The United Nations Security Council approved a resolution Friday that strongly condemns attacks on humanitarian workers and U.N. personnel and demands that all combatants protect them in accordance with international law.

The vote was 14-0 with Russia abstaining.

The Swiss-sponsored resolution expresses grave concern at the growing number of attacks and threats against U.N. and humanitarian personnel along with the continuing disregard and violations of international humanitarian law by combatants.

Switzerland’s U.N. Ambassador Pascale Baeriswyl welcomed the strong support for the resolution, which had 97 co-sponsors, telling the council its objective was simple but important: to protect the men and women working as humanitarians and for the United Nations who risk their lives every day “to help people affected by armed conflict.”

    2 months ago

    That’s part of the reason volunteer organizations, like the one that was bombed, get volunteers from militarily advanced countries. Because when the volunteers are killed, if they’re killed, those countries tend to respond. Not quite hostage diplomacy, but lining things up so it’s a really bad idea to blow up the volunteers.

    In this scenario Israel did it, and the backup countries blinked, they didn’t do anything.

    UN peacekeepers, will be from a military force, who will have the capability, and the mandate, to strike back. It is an escalation in the power politics.