So, say I get a set of chromosomes from my Mum which contains the X chromosome and the same from my Dad, but with the Y chromosome. I now have two sets of the same 22 chromosomes, plus an X and a Y.

For chromosome number one for example, is everything from my Dad’s side activated? My Mum’s? Or is is a random selection of genes within each chromosome?

And does the X chromosome do anything for me, or is it turned off, and only used if I pass it on to the next generation?

Follow up question: I believe that women actually recombine their X chromosomes when passing these on, but men can’t recombine X and Y. So everything on your Dad’s side stays the same. Does this have any impact? For example are you more likely to inherit genetic defects from your Dad’s side?

    4 months ago

    Some genes are dominant and some are recessive. Dominant genes override recessive genes regardless of which parent it’s inherited from. Some genes that simply aren’t compatible with each other are altered during fertilization. These altered genes are called mutations. Some are beneficial, some are harmful, but most are benign. Some genes only come from the Mother, which would be the genes for the mitochondria. While some will only come from the father, which would be the genes for the nucleus.

    As for X and Y chromosomes. The X chromosome contains a lot of info you need in order to live while the Y chromosome just codes for what makes a being male. If you have a defective gene in your X chromosome and are male, chances are that it’s going to present itself. If you’re female, it depends on if that gene is dominant. One notable case is the genes for the cones in your eyes. They reside in the X chromosome and sometimes one of those genes has mutated. If you only have the mutated version you may be unable to see some colors. As pointed out, this has advantages and disadvantages.

    Disclaimer: I’m going by what I remember from high school biology. If I made an error, then please correct me.

    EDIT: Corrected my wording in regards to colorblindness.

      4 months ago

      They reside in the X chromosome and sometimes one is defective or missing. That’s why color blindness is more common in males.

      Yeah. That’s a little out of date.

      Colorblindness isn’t worse vision, just different.

      You got more rods for the missing cones, it’s not just blank space.

      That helps lowlight vision, and the colorblind are also better at differentiating shades of brown.

      Like, my dad was colorblind, and he could spot a deer in the woods from like a mile away. To him it was completely obvious and he never got why other people couldn’t see the deer.

      4 months ago

      They reside in the X chromosome and sometimes one of those genes has mutated. If you only have the mutated version you may be unable to see some colors.

      Also, with 2 x chromosomes it’s possible to get an extra set of cone cells and see more colors.


    • OmegaMouse@pawb.socialOP
      4 months ago

      Ahh thanks, this is all coming back to me now! Despite being a pretty nerdy student, my biology teachers at school didn’t instil much enthusiasm in me for the subject. But the more I learn about it now, the more fascinating I find it.

      Do you have any more detail/links about incompatible genes causing mutations?

    4 months ago

    It uses both. I’ve got a gene that is defective in both chromosomes. It’s defective in different places in both chromosomes. Because the encoding for an entire complete protein is there (just in two different chromosomes), it still kinda works. Not as good as if I didn’t have two defective alleles (copies of the gene), but still better than nothing.

    4 months ago

    You get half of your chromosomes from each of your parents, so their bodies are in charge of setting which half their child will use.
    Afterwards which trait will be present goes into dominant and recessive genes.
    (of course this is more complicated and someone might do a better job at explaining it in depth)

    • So, what: each individual sperm has half the father’s genes? Does each sperm have a different set, or are they all the same? What process in the father decides which genes make it into the half that goes into the sperm?

      If the same process is happening in the egg, then same questions.

        4 months ago

        Yes, each sperm and egg are unique since the process they go through ensures the chromosomes have been mixed.

        Both sex cells (gametes) go through meiosis.

        shuffles the genes between the two chromosomes in each pair (one received from each parent), producing lots of recombinant chromosomes with unique genetic combinations in every gamete […] produces four genetically unique cells, each with half the number of chromosomes as in the parent

    4 months ago

    Some genes are lethal let’s call them :
    “T” bad version and
    “t” for the version that lets you live.

    if one of those genes is on the xx // xy chromosomes then if you are XX female you will get one combination in this set of combinations : Tt, tT, TT, tt
    if you get TT, you are dead.
    if you get tt, you live,
    if you get Tt or tT you have 3 possible outcomes :
    if T is dominant you are dead,
    if t is dominant you live,
    if T and t are co_dominant you might be sick.

    if you are XY male, you have either a “T” (dead) or a “t” (alive).

    • I didn’t realize I have the same question as OP, and I don’t think you answered it. The question is: how do the gene selections happen? What process decides?

      Not every combination is being tried in the egg during fertilization, right? You describe the outcome, but not how the gene combination selection process happens, and what decides which genes are used.

        4 months ago

        You might absolutely be right about the meaning of O.P.s’ (confused) question. But still i hope at least i answered o.k. from this part :

        And does the X chromosome do anything for me, or is it turned off, and only used if I pass it on to the next generation ?

        P.S. : You asked :

        Not every combination is being tried in the egg during fertilization, right ?

        Gene selection is made before the synthesis of the gametes : for instance a male having XY will produce sperms, each one with either an X or with a Y.

    • OmegaMouse@pawb.socialOP
      4 months ago

      Heh, funnily enough I did pretty well back in school. But it’s been quite a while since I’ve learnt this stuff and it’s not something I ever specialised in. And when I did learn it, it was essentially just a series of facts that you had to memorise. ‘The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell’ etc. etc. So the second I passed that exam, I don’t think I ever went back to reinforce those memories.

      Hearing about genetic dominance again did give me an ‘ah, of course!’ moment. If you are able to recall everything you learnt in school (including subjects that you may not have had much interest in), then congrats on the impressive memory :)

    • Basic K12 biology didn’t go into deep details; OP is asking, I think, what decides which genes are combined. You can only get at most half of each from the parents - you don’t get all of each - so what exactly selects which genes from each are combined?