I am fairly sure that I am being laid off with other Sr. Engineers tomorrow and need some ideas. Basically, I saw a calendar mistake by HR, so oops!

Meh. It’s gonna suck for a bit, but whatevers. Life is more important than a shit job. :)

  • jet@hackertalks.com
    4 months ago

    Get all your questions about unemployment ready, including the forms filled in today… File asap! File as soon as they let you go.

    If you have stock/equity decide now if your going to exercise it. You may have to pay taxes in addition to the exercise price.

    Bring all your work stuff from home. Hand it over and get a receipt, nobody wants to play phone tag with a ex to get their stuff back.

    If you have access to sensitive systems or passwords, put it in writing what you know and tell them they need to change those passwords now.

    Make sure you keep contact with anyone you care about now, before you lose access to the systems.

    Be the adult, let them you know these transitions are hard, compliment them for doing a difficult thing so well, make it clear there are no hard feelings. I’ve had multiple long term highly lucrative consultation arrangements after a layoff.

    • remotelove@lemmy.caOP
      4 months ago

      Props for the prep advice.

      If you have access to sensitive systems or passwords, put it in writing what you know and tell them they need to change those passwords now.

      I am in security, so I know the logical reasons for that even though someone is sure to say that is bullshit.

      However, I left a job once and encrypted all critical passwords I knew on a USB drive and gave it to my manager. For the password, I created a riddle that only he would know. I gave my old manager (he was cool) the USB drive and walked. After about a week, he was laid off for pure money reasons. So a month goes by and I get a frantic phone call one morning asking for all the passwords to some super important systems and I was kind enough to know they had pointlessly fired the only person who would of had access. (They had blindly destroyed his remaining equipment and paperwork, so they were gone.)

        • remotelove@lemmy.caOP
          4 months ago

          It was intentional, encrypted and before enterprise password managers were common place. The key was a riddle and actual key was never actually written down anywhere. I sure as fuck didn’t trust our network, so I couldn’t store them somewhere accessible.

          I am fairly sure the drive got put in our evidence safe which was then shredded with the other drives that were in there. (The company I was working for got bought by a venture capital group and nothing original was sacred.)