so I started to see stuff on O&O ShutUp10++ that help disable most intrusive windows features, but it’s closed sorce, wondering if they are any open source alternatives? Shutup10 ++

    27 days ago

    Asking for the right color of paint to repair a car with a cracked and blown engine block.

    • Emtity_13@lemmy.sdf.orgOP
      28 days ago

      I wish, Main gane i play is windows exclusive, and as soon as they add Linux support or November 2025 hits I’m jumping ship

      28 days ago

      My standard response to “just go Linux” :

      I keep having to say this, as much as I like Linux for certain things, as a desktop it’s still no competition to Windows, even with this awful shit going on.

      As some background - I had my first UNIX class in about 1990. I wrote my first Fortran program on a Sperry Rand Univac (punched cards) in about 1985. Cobol was immediately after Fortran (wish I’d stuck with Cobol).

      I run a Mint laptop. Power management is a joke. Configured as best as possible, walked in the other day and it was dead - as in battery at zero, won’t even boot. Windows would never do this, unless you went out of your way to config power management to kill the battery (even then, to really kill it you have to boot to BIOS and let it sit, Windows will not let a battery get to zero).

      There no way even possible via the GUI to config power management for things like low/critical battery conditions /actions.

      There are many reasons why Linux doesn’t compete with Windows on the desktop - this is just one glaring one.

      Now let’s look at Office. Open an Excel spreadsheet with tables in any app other than excel. Tables are something that’s just a given in excel, takes 10 seconds to setup, and you get automatic sorting and filtering, with near-zero effort. The devs of open office refuse to support tables, saying “you should manage data in a proper database app”. No, I’m not setting up a DB in an open-source competitor to Access. That’s just too much effort for simple sorting and filtering tasks, and isn’t realistically shareable with other people. I do this several times a day in excel.

      Now there’s that print monitor that’s on by default, and can only be shut up by using a command line. Wtf? In the 21st century?

      Networking… Yea, samba works, but how do you clear creds you used one time to connect to a share, even though you didn’t say “save creds”? Oh, yea, command line again or go download an app to clear them for for you. Smh.

      Oh, you have a wireless Logitech mouse? Linux won’t even recognize it. You have to search for a solution and go find a download that makes it work. My brand new wireless mouse works on any version of windows since 2000, at the least, and would probably work on Win95.

      Someone else said it better than me:

      Every time I’ve installed Linux as my main OS (many, many times since I was younger), it gets to an eventual point where every single thing I want to do requires googling around to figure out problems. While it’s gotten much better, I always ended up reinstalling Windows or using my work Mac. Like one day I turn it on and the monitor doesn’t look right. So I installed twenty things, run some arbitrary collection of commands, and it works… only it doesn’t save my preferences.

      So then I need to dig into .bashrc or .bash_profile (is bashrc even running? Hey let me investigate that first for 45 minutes) and get the command to run automatically… but that doesn’t work, so now I can’t boot… so I have to research (on my phone now, since the machine deathscreens me once the OS tries to load) how to fix that… then I am writing config lines for my specific monitor so it can access the native resolution… wait, does the config delimit by spaces, or by tabs?? anyway, it’s been four hours, it’s 3:00am and I’m like Bryan Cranston in that clip from Malcolm in the Middle where he has a car engine up in the air all because he tried to change a lightbulb.

      And then I get a new monitor, and it happens all damn over again. Oh shit, I got a new mouse too, and the drivers aren’t supported - great! I finally made it to Friday night and now that I have 12 minutes away from my insane 16 month old, I can’t wait to search for some drivers so I can get the cursor acceleration disabled. Or enabled. Or configured? What was I even trying to do again? What led me to this?

      I just can’t do it anymore. People who understand it more than I will downvote and call me an idiot, but you can all kiss my ass because I refuse to do the computing equivalent of building a radio out of coconuts on a deserted island of ancient Linux forum posts because I want to have Spotify open on startup EVERY time and not just one time. I have tried to get into Linux as a main dev environment since 1997 and I’ve loved/liked/loathed it, in that order, every single time.

      I respect the shit out of the many people who are far, far smarter than me who a) built this stuff, and 2) spend their free time making Windows/Mac stuff work on a Linux environment, but the part of me who liked to experiment with Linux has been shot and killed and left to rot in a ditch along the interstate.

      Now I love Linux for my services: Proxmox, UnRAID, TrueNAS, containers for Syncthing, PiHole, Owncloud/NextCloud, CasaOS/Yuno, etc, etc. I even run a few Windows VM’s on Linux (Proxmox) because that’s better than running Linux VM’s of a Windows server.

      Linux is brilliant for this stuff. Just not brilliant for a desktop, let alone in a business environment.

      Linux doesn’t even use a common shell (which is a good thing in it’s own way), and that’s a massive barrier for users.

      If it were 40 years ago, maybe Linux would’ve had a chance to beat MS, even then it would’ve required settling on a single GUI (which is arguably half of why Windows became a standard, the other half being a common API), a common build (so the same tools/utilities are always available), and a commitment to put usability for the inexperienced user first.

      These are what MS did in the 1980’s to make Windows attractive to the 3 groups who contend with desktops: developers, business management, end users.

      All this without considering the systems management requirements of even an SMB with perhaps a dozen users (let alone an enterprise with tens of thousands).

        27 days ago

        Sorry, but if you want linux to be “just like Windows” it will never be good enough. It is different, and of course it takes time and effort to learn.

        27 days ago

        Of course bashrc isn’t going to run in the context of a desktop environment. They have zero clue how the system works at all.

        Either Windows does a lot of it for them and they should have chosen a distro that does the same, or they’re much more familiar with Windows and expecting that to translate to Linux without any time investment.

        “Monitor doesn’t look right so I installed 20 things and ran random commands,” gee I wonder why their Linux installations keep breaking? If they behaved like that on Windows they’d also have a number of problems.

          25 days ago

          Either Windows does a lot of it for them and they should have chosen a distro that does the same, or they’re much more familiar with Windows and expecting that to translate to Linux without any time investment.

          I’m convinced this is the main reason people say linux is hard and finnicky. They use windows their entire lives then boot up linux and expect it to work the exact same way, inevitably leading to some not-dones like installing some random packages downloaded from the internet (download a .deb and double click it. What could go wrong?) which then come back to bite them way later in an update.

          What you find easy/intuitive is whatever you’ve spent most time using. In windows I get frustrated because 50 random things are happening in the background that I don’t know of and there’s like what, 7 different configuration apps from 5 different eras, some of which are overlapping in functionality. Programs I installed are either hopelessly out of date or when I launch them they need to spend a minute updating before I can use them.

    28 days ago

    Check out Chris Titus’s one tool for Windows privacy debloat. It saved my sanity.

      27 days ago

      Guys: don’t actually do this. Running stuff blindly on the command line from a URL without checking it beforehand is super risky and dumb.

        27 days ago

        Give it a go, it’s really handy for setting up new machines! I’m on Linux mint permanently now but I still use that for servers

          27 days ago

          All I do is play games and browse the web for the most part. Am I going to suffer compatibility issues if I switch to Linux? Also is Steam OS a solid choice for a Linux gaming distro?

            27 days ago

            Linux Mint has been great, you do run into some issues with games that have intense Anticheat, but for the most part the user experience is flawless. I don’t know about steam OS, but with mint (and I think also for Ubuntu and pop OS) you just install steam, install the game from your library, and off you go it’s just like Windows

  • Aniki 🌱🌿
    27 days ago

    Imagine running this voluntarily instead of using an operating system that doesn’t treat you as hostiles.

    27 days ago

    Based on the screenshot, I don’t see the point. All of these are accessible in Windows settings, just with slightly different names.

    Edit: OK I didn’t see the scrollbar on the right.

    27 days ago

    Maybe try this PrivateZilla but it’s always a great step to reduce even by a little your data leaks, but as some already said here you should consider switching to linux, even with all your efforts you cannot repair a broken thing at the base…

    27 days ago

    You can generate your own “debloat” scripts with

    I think the project has a better chance than most at being relevant long-term for a number of reasons, but also the maintainer is a pretty cool person!