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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I’ll tell you why I won’t buy one.

    I’m not going to go into debt as much as a house would’ve cost me 20 years ago so I can drive a 10,000 pound explosive that I spend several hours a day charging, be asked to pull over to turn on Bluetooth, have a tracking device in my car, which the government can turn off if they like, have to fumble with a touch screen to turn up the air conditioner, have to pay rent for features built into the car and then have any features I purchased be non transferrable on the secondary market. These are all fuck you’s to me, so I say fuck you to them. Take your vendor lock in SAAS product and shove it up your ass. You want me to give a shit about emissions, fix all that, until then I’m driving a 20 year old beater.

  • I don’t know why you’re getting down voted. This is more than a shower thought, understanding this and exploring the ramifications of it will change your life. I’m serious.

    Albedo, black body radiation, energy gradients, inverse square law. Learn about that stuff.

    On the rock there’s a thin layer of slime that changes the albedo of the rock. It redshifts the light that emanates from it just a little bit. But that little red shift, that light that radiates in a slightly higher entropy state, that difference accounts for the entire biosphere, and all the attendant beauty that comes along with that. You love your mother with that energy.

    It makes me wonder, are we really separate from the sun?

  • Yes. You get it.

    There are a lot of boogymen. Capitalism. Billionaires. But if you understand the difference between capital and money, you know what’s going on. The parasites (many of which are billionaires, but not all) use the government to move capital from regular people to themselves using the cantillion effect, which is done by devaluing the currency. It’s a form of wealth redistribution. It was used during the pandemic with the stimulus to redistribute wealth to everyone, but has since been reversed.

    What’s really interesting is how this is used to move industry around globally. Really crazy stuff.

    If you want to save yourself from it, the only way, the only way, is to store your savings in a highly liquid medium that can’t be debased. It doesn’t matter what economic system you want or live under. If potatoes didn’t rot, you’d be better off storing them then any money.

    Those of you that don’t get it: learn the difference between money and capital. Learn what it means to own plants that are growing in the ground. You can become a millionaire just planting trees, without so much as a dollar in your pocket. When the measure is elastic at the whim of someone else, if you measure your success using it they own you. You can escape slavery by measuring your success using a different yardstick.

  • There’s a lot of discussion in here about how great this is. And it is. But it is at odds with another environmentalist concern.

    What if we could take carbon dioxide and turn it into something that can’t be degraded by living organisms? Well, plastic is one of those things, or was. Plastic is a form of carbon sequestration.

    These micro organisms, they’re turning plastic into carbon dioxide. Any and all carbon compounds on earth will enter the carbon cycle. every drop of oil pulled out of the ground, even the stuff that’s used to make plastic, will wind up in the atmosphere.

  • I personally don’t like ads because they’re intrusive, and because they are an attempt to manipulate my mind in some way in order to extract resources out of me. I’d like to keep my mind as clean as possible and not be a tool towards someone else’s ambition.

    I don’t mind ads on something like a TV, where you’re already passively consuming content, and the ads are just “here’s a product and how it can improve your life”. But in something interactive, they are incredibly intrusive, and most ads are made not about a product and why you’ll like it, but they’re done in ways that are tested and optimized to bypass your rational mind and appeal to your emotions or your lizard brain. I loathe being manipulated and have great disdain for those that attempt it.

    There’s also the factor specifically online of tracking and data mining. You want to show me a product, fine, you need to know what color my butthole is to sell it to me, go fuck yourself.