But I’m sure a daily 8hr sleep in water isn’t something our bodies are ready for. What are probable effects? Can we mitigate them?
But I’m sure a daily 8hr sleep in water isn’t something our bodies are ready for. What are probable effects? Can we mitigate them?
The problem is the direct contact to the water, a blanket with water running through it in a circle with a heat spreader or a different cooling device would solve that and would reduce the amount of water by a lot. The blanket would be a bit heavier but by that it would double as a weighted blanket too.
Devices, for example computers, get cooled like that.
This actually already exists but it’s quite pricey: https://www.eightsleep.com/uk/pod-cover/
There are cheaper options with rather fewer features. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006953014233.html?spm=a2g0n.productlist.0.0.173a4860jp5Vte&browser_id=f36a722d1afe4414817ff92887ef9033&aff_platform=msite&m_page_id=ygojhmnwjaocavrk1908a12ac6021b1ebe3512ed2d&pdp_npi=4%40dis!GBP!95.84!86.26!!!118.80!106.92!%402103834817203033979622277e92ea!12000038838354135!sea!UK!3756446256!&algo_pvid=0351cd34-faa0-4aba-8982-a4ef532c7b02
That ridiculous link isn’t working, at least for me.
Link without all the unnecessary crap
Huh, just noticed my link shows the price at 100 euros, but the bloated one shows it for 121 euros
Nvm different size was pre-selected
Yea link not working but have me curious if you can get a working one edited or respond.
There goes my million dollar idea 😭
But cool, literally, that something like this exists. On the other hand, it is not really rocket science 😀