That’s a real man’s truck. Air conditioned, soft suspension, big boi so scary big truck don’t scare, brightest lights because corners scary, 4 seats cos wife is scary, big tyres because tools are scary, big tank because human interaction is scary.
The thought of someone getting a 4 seater truck purely because they are so terrified of their own wife that he only feels safe when she is in the back seat of a car
That’s a real man’s truck. Air conditioned, soft suspension, big boi so scary big truck don’t scare, brightest lights because corners scary, 4 seats cos wife is scary, big tyres because tools are scary, big tank because human interaction is scary.
The thought of someone getting a 4 seater truck purely because they are so terrified of their own wife that he only feels safe when she is in the back seat of a car
That’s what it’s like to drive a Ford F150