If you don’t enjoy the show, you can just walk away.
You don’t need to waste energy being a dick about it.
Obviously the uplifting part is not the first part of the headline, in case that needs to be said
Hopefully if they show, they get get dragged. Good for them.
God damnit.
You have to go out of your way to be a hateful bigot. You have to try and go out and be hateful.
It’s so much harder than just not caring. Not caring is so much easier. Who cares that they’re having a drag show? Who cares that they’re doing their thing. It’s not hurting you. Just let people live their lives. People get so worked up over something they could solve by just not thinking about it. Boggles my mind.
Exactly. Imagine hating someone because they don’t fit your worldview. Just how privileged you think you are. That’s why I define conservatives as people who think the world is must conform to their biases.
Right? Like I don’t care for basketball but I’m not like “it’s a sin they’re so tall” or “how dare they throw things”.
But I guess it’s easy to latch onto an out group and hate them instead of dealing with real problems.
Related thought: why is it so rare for someone to threaten to shoot up billionaires or their boss that’s stealing their wages or the factory owner that’s dumping mercury in their water or the factory owner that’s employing children or the cops that murder people on video or any number of things.
Because drag queens in their skirts and high heels make them want to fuck a dude and that makes them angry.
This is the main reason that I’ll never understand it. It takes so, so, so much energy to be that hateful. Do they have literally nothing in their lives that they could be devoting that energy to. Like get a fucking hobby, holy shit.
“You know what? We’re going to drag even harder!”