@asklemmy What is up with people creating Communities and then not even posting a single post in them?

Like wouldn’t you want to be able to grow a community by doing a post here and there, even just a welcome post to say why you created the community would make sense wouldn’t it?

  • dohpaz42@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    I started a community with the intention of posting a lot. It was meant to be geared toward an app I was going to build to help me and my family be more organized. Then life happened, and the need for the app waned, and. Now I guess I’m “squatting” on the community.

    It’s not something I generally think about very often. I guess if someone wanted the community for whatever reason, I’d hand it over. The genuinely weird thing is, I have a multitude of people who subscribed; like 17 (not including myself).