To introduce quantum networks into the marketplace, engineers must overcome the fragility of entangled states in a fiber cable and ensure the efficiency of signal delivery. Now, scientists at Qunnect Inc. in Brooklyn, New York, have taken a large step forward by operating just such a network under the streets of New York City.
But how is the latency for online gaming? It’d be awesome if it’s near instantaneous, or limited only by the net code.
Mom, can we have a quantum-entangled network?
Mom: No, we have a quantum-entangled network at home.
Quantum-entangled network at home:
That’s just a demonstration of entropy. Every network rack without an admin to whack techs over the hands with a ruler will eventually look like this.
Tech 1: wow, I’m am so proud of this work
Tech 2: hmm, this bundle has a couple wires poking out and going in random directions, I don’t need to pay attention to mine that much.
Tech 3: huh, racks a bit messy, no problem I’ll just toss this here cable up and over the back
Tech 4: just drapes it across the floor
Tech 5: burns it down GOTO tech 1.
How’d you get into my homelab?
Snaked my way in through Layer 1.