The Brazilian president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, has said he hopes the crisis surrounding the social network X in Brazil might teach the world that “it isn’t obliged to put up with [Elon] Musk’s far-right free-for-all just because he is rich”.
Lula’s comments to the network CNN Brasil came after the supreme court voted unanimously on Monday to uphold the ban on X, which is now largely inaccessible in one of its biggest global markets.
The suspension was first ordered on Friday as a result of the company’s refusal to obey court orders requiring the removal of profiles accused of spreading disinformation and for the social network to name a local legal representative.
Listen, Musk is an asshole who has created large problems at Xitter. There is absolutely no debate on that.
HOWEVER I have to wonder if most of the people cheering what’s happening in Brazil actually know what’s going on?
Did you know that one single Judge has been given the power the censor the Internet? Do you know that no justification needs to be released to the public about WHY a person, account, or post is being censored, removed, or banned? Do you know that this Judge actually banned Apple and Google from distributing any VPN Software before they were forced to change the order due to public outcry? Do you know that the fines this Judge is issuing have no basis in the law?
Even prominent Brazilian Attorneys, like Thiago Amparo, who previously supported this Judge and their work are now saying that it’s going too far.
Brazil now has an Internet Censor who obviously doesn’t understand the technology who is issuing censorship orders that require no justification and to the surprise of no one his orders are helpful almost entirely to the current President specifically and the ruling party in general.
Here’s an archive link to the New York Times giving more details.
So yeah, screw Musk but the screw whatever unholy state censorship is going on down in Brazil too.
Actual discussion of the post: -1 score
Stupid play on words comment disparaging the right: highest score in comment section
Wish we could see how legitimate upvotes and downvotes are or if lemmy is a lot of teenagers who dont have the patience.
Im uneducated on the politics of brazil. I think censoring might be conducted without a fully evil intent, but people’s ability to reason about validity of information should be fostered instead of disallowing certain speech. Scary to think you’d be arrested for using a social media site. Thats not okay. And its brazils decisions regardless of musk.
Scary to think conservatives have power anywhere on planet earth, given how they just make random shit up and then accuse people of that made up bullshit whenever they want. Scary to think how conservatism is the single biggest threat to humanity and should be eradicated. Scary to think.
Have you heard of the research showing conservativism is highly associated with Big Five personality traits (which are considered mostly immutable)?
I hope you understand the implications of that finding when paired with a statement like:
Sorry are you memeing or did you want to talk about something? What are you suggesting be done?
Talk? 🤣 The time for talk was several years ago. It is not possible for a conservative to enter any discussion in good faith, as every word uttered by a conservative is either deception or manipulation. Every word.
Im not a conversative, im just a person who isnt calibrated to the echo chamber. Sorry for the confusion.
Every word.
Disinformation should be downvoted. Then corrected.
I guess im not sure what happens if you dont pay a fine. Probably getting arrested right? Because the fine is like 7.5k a day.
Brazil is a signatory of the American Convention on Human Rights, meaning you can’t be arrested for owing money. The sole exception is being detained for wilfully not paying alimony.
The worst evils always start with lofty intentions.
I dont know what that means.
The initial ruling was by a single judge but it was upheld yesterday by a panel of five supreme court justices:
They didn’t approve the “Initial Ruling”. They approved the amended version that didn’t bar Apple and Google from distributing VPN Software and didn’t create a 5 day deadline.
Do you know WHY Xitter doesn’t just appoint a legal representative and sidestep this mess? It’s because this same Judge threatened to imprison the last one and pre-emptively froze her bank accounts!
This is not how a legal system is supposed to behave.
But it don’t work that way, he can threaten how much he want, the same way that he threatened to ban VPN, but he can’t do whatever he want
Can you share where you saw “threatening to arrest and froze bank account”? Twitter made a post on their own page about something along the line. Other than that I couldn’t find any.
The resignation of the legal representative has more nuance than what you said here. His (not her) name is Diego de Lima Gualda, an attorney in Brazil. After a series of non compliance from Twitter, the Twitter Brazil filed a request arguing that the Twitter international is responsible for compliance and Twitter Brazil does not have authority. The judge dismissed this request for obvious reasons, and the next day he resigned from the position.
The non compliance led to resignation. This is crucial because the actions of Twitter are the reason why the legal representative faced the consequences. Not that the judge ordered something out of the blue. I think you are missing the key point here.
Obviously censorship is bad. There is no contention in that. My point is this order is the last one in the long standing feud between Musk and Moraes. Musk has been so aggressive in personally attacking the judge. So portraying the judge as someone going on a power trip is not the accurate picture.
Replace judge with CEO and ask the question again.
The CEO can’t threaten to throw you in prison and freeze your bank accounts, two things that this Judge did. That’s why Xitter doesn’t have a Legal Representative in the country anymore. The last one resigned after being threatened by the Judge and Xitter won’t appointment a new one because of that.
But sure, a CEO has exactly the same power as a Supreme Court Justice. Literally no difference at all.