My HP put me through one to many hour-long fights to print a single page and I’m done with it. Going to go full office space on that thing, but first I need a new printer. I’m not a heavy user, so I’m lookng to spend $300 or less. What do yall recommend?

Must haves Color printing Copying (B&W and color) Accepts generic ink/toner

Strongly prefer Printing cardstock up to 300 GSM Duplex printing feeder

Inkjet or laserjet is OK, with slight preference for laserjet. Also, scanner not needed

    6 months ago

    I’m in the light use camp, and I agree. Things can dry out before you ever get a chance to empty the tank.

    That said, I have a small place, and I don’t like to dedicate shelf space to a an object that rarely gets used, so I store a small (child’s shoebox sized) color printer in a drawer. And unfortunately, no one makes a color laser that small.

    I might just end up getting a black and white laser because there are few companies that make tiny B&W lasers.