My HP put me through one to many hour-long fights to print a single page and I’m done with it. Going to go full office space on that thing, but first I need a new printer. I’m not a heavy user, so I’m lookng to spend $300 or less. What do yall recommend?

Must haves Color printing Copying (B&W and color) Accepts generic ink/toner

Strongly prefer Printing cardstock up to 300 GSM Duplex printing feeder

Inkjet or laserjet is OK, with slight preference for laserjet. Also, scanner not needed

    6 months ago

    Hp is the evil incarnate in printers.

    I didn’t want to say ‘no’ when my dad offered to buy a new printer for me, but boy, do I hate that thing.

    It doesn’t do shit if I’m not logged into my hp account and online. And obviously for countless other reasons too many to list here.

    Sorry this isn’t helpful, but everything is better then hp.