When AMD moved on from its GCN microarchitecture back in 2019, the company decided to split its new graphics microarchitecture into two different designs, with RDNA designed to power gaming graphics products for the consumer market while the CDNA architecture was designed specifically to cater to compute-centric AI and HPC workloads in the data center.
I wonder if CDNA will be more akin to Tensor Cores on RTX GPUs, leading to better ray tracing performance of gaming.
This checks out after what they recently did to the ZLUDA project. As an owner of an AMD gpu I agree that ROCM support is really bad. It works half of the time and fairly poorly.
Squish them like bug. Show me you can do it, AMD.
Fucking do it. Anything that takes down Nvidia’s CUDA Monopoly has my full support.
As a general rule, don’t use a corporations language. Languages, and their reference implementation, should be truly independent.
Will I even be able to afford one? Still rocking a Radeon VII here…