I mean they already take part in the Eurovision so why not? Additional bonus: people will have an even harder time differentiating Austria and Australia
Yeah American Cheese the product is some crazy shit. You should try some artisan cheese from Wisconsin, though. World class stuff over there. I had a 15 year cave aged cheddar from there once and I’m still thinking about it to this day.
solution: australia joins the EU
I mean they already take part in the Eurovision so why not? Additional bonus: people will have an even harder time differentiating Austria and Australia
solution: EU criteria is lowered to Eurovision participation
American here. Can we come too?
Please make sure to implement democracy first, we have enough issues with dictatorships and oligopolies already.
I suggested this once and someone replied “please no you’ll bring the Republicans into the legislature”
Of course!
Just lose the -
Tiny-penis trucks
the “right” to hate-speech
the religious weirdo thing
And you’ll be getting close to the 20th century!
No arguments from me. When can we start?
You just need to learn Ode to Joy off by heart, and leave all your “cheese” at the border
Moving the goal posts 😥
Yeah American Cheese the product is some crazy shit. You should try some artisan cheese from Wisconsin, though. World class stuff over there. I had a 15 year cave aged cheddar from there once and I’m still thinking about it to this day.