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Picture this:

  1. You type on Google “laptop won’t turn on”
  2. Google now knows you have a broken laptop and can estimate how desperate you are to fix it.
  3. Because it knows how desperate you are, it can increase shop prices proportionally.

You are going to pay the maximum they get you to pay.

That’s algorithmic pricing.

The more companies know about you, the more they can predict and sell how desperate you are to other stores out there.

An internet-connected car knows much more about you than you realize. A smart TV also knows what you like. Your Alexa knows if there is a problem in the home.

Privacy is much more than just sensitive data.

It’s about not giving leverage away.

Because algorithms will use it against you.

Be safe out there.


    4 days ago

    Okay so fast-forward ten two more years beyond that (it doesn’t matter how much - all of this is already in the past anyway:-P): virtually everyone (from your area) has an internet presence. But for you, all “they” see is a tiny stream of encrypted traffic to servers outside of your home country. Or maybe a large stream, whatever - are you downloading child pornography perhaps? Or are you a terrorist, trying to evade detection by the “legitimate” establishment, who is simply trying to “help” you to set the price for fixing your laptop?

    Bam, they charge you the maximum amount for the repair anyway, then tack on a fee for the extra effort involved in having to investigate you further, making the final price double what it would have been. And this happens for every single item you buy, plus you cannot get a job b/c you don’t have a FacedInLinkThread account. The best sheeples get the best pricing structures…

    This isn’t something that individuals can fight easily, without a rather extreme amount of effort involved. Hence we should fight it together.