I had my domain with Dynu for years, great company btw. But I recently switched over to Cloudflare to use tunnels.

I followed the steps outlined on the CF site, removed the old name servers, added CFs name servers, enabled zone transfer at my old registrar, and when I go to my site overview on the CF dashboard I see the message “Great news! Cloudflare is now protecting your site”. The transfer was initiated almost exactly 24 hours ago.

here’s how I have things setup:

  • All services setup with a CF tunnel is a sub domain, so “service.mydomain.com
  • All CF Tunnels show up as CNAME records.
  • My base domain A Record points to the public IP of my VPS. This is used as a tunnel for my email server since CF won’t pass SMTP or IMAP through their tunnels. (at least that’s what I was told)
  • All MX records point to relays I still have with Dynu.

I have 2 other domains with Cloudflare, one of which was also transferred from Dynu, and the tunnels on them work just fine.

Im not sure if I did something wrong, missed a step, or if I just need to wait longer.

  • essell@beehaw.org
    11 months ago

    Given the timescale of the transfer, sounds like a DNS cache somewhere in the chain.

    It’ll fix itself if I’m right