death is wasted on the dead
e. i was indeed wet when i had this thought
As someone with a crippling disease that forces downtime upon them let me tell you, it’s not as nice as it sounds.
oh im sure. the grass is always greener and all that…
how many very dark/horror stories are there were eternity is the true evil? many.
That’s a trade-off I don’t mind making.
Arguably. The worst part about that is that you don’t get to know how that story ends…
That we know of, I guess. Would be pretty fun to have an afterlife similar to the Good Place.
I always think if I became a vampire the best thing would be laying down for a nice thousand year torpor.
Ok but the back issues after laying down that long would be insane.
if you were human.
That might be a fair point, I don’t know about vampire anatomy.
In the show The Good Place when Eleanor said something like heaven is just having the time to spend with your loved ones. It hit hard.
yeah that entire series was kind of mind fuck. i loved it