Back in the medieval ages when a woman was married to a man, they were basically considered property for my understanding and treated like an extension of the man’s person and family. So it was customary for women to take the man’s last name since they were being joined to his family. But now here in the 21st century women are fully independent and last names don’t really seem to mean much of anything. I mean what is Smith or McGregor or any last name really mean anymore? Especially in the digital age, lots of people have digital usernames like SarahSmith1727373. So the last name clearly doesn’t mean much anymore… Which leads me to wonder, why do the majority of women still take the man’s last name? Especially when some of them have a horrible last name? I have seen some butt ass ugly last names recently, like Fink, Weimer, Slotsky/Slotsky, Hiscock (no joke this is a last name), Hardman… And then you hear the woman’s name and it’s like something way more reasonable and less stupid sounding like Kingman, or Harrison, Walls, etc.

    3 months ago

    Dude, I get that infidelity sucks but you have to be a real fucking asshole to think that makes the dads into “dads”.

      3 months ago

      This ain’t about infidelity that’s not a criminal issue…

      Making a person support a child under false pretense is fraud which is a crime. Society just doesn’t give a fuck about it because “patriarchy” or whatever

        3 months ago

        Dude, just because your feelings are hurt doesn’t mean it’s a crime.

        Let’s put mothers in jail for paternity fraud, then we cut the parental rights of the dad because he’s not the real dad. Then we put the kid in an orphanage, or maybe force the sperm donor (upstanding gentleman who nuts and runs with married women) to raise the now 10 year old who did nothing wrong.

        If your partner commits adultery you divorce them, but you don’t abandon your kids. As a father if I found out my kids have a different genetic father, they’re still my kids. I love them. You can’t just give them up because they’re not your genetic legacy, that’s not how love works at all!

        What a horrible image you have of masculinity to include a father seeing his own children as “criminal paternity fraud” and “theft of resources”. I can’t think of a single friend of mine that would give up his kids, or seek to jail their mother, if he found out they’re not his. Many would leave their wives to be sure, but they’d still love their kids, that’s not something they can give up even if they wanted to.

        Also your stats are WHACK. 13% of women have EVER had an affair of any kind yet 20-30% of kids are ‘paternity fraud’. Bro imma need a source on those numbers, and I don’t want to see any qanon incel Jordan Peterson Andrew Tate shit. I’d be surprised if the real numbers were more than 2%.