It’s almost like car infrastructure has dogshit durability and longevity and is a massive money sink compared to more efficient transportation infrastructures!

    11 months ago

    It’s also disingenuous lies. This money is being spent over 11 years so is more in the realm of £750m a year.

    This is also a classic trick of the Conservative government and is why the NHS is also in a mess: they steal money from capital investment budgets and use it to spend on day-to-day operational stuff.

    In the NHS they took money from the capital budget and diverted it to day to day spending, claiming it as “new money”. It was an increase in day-to-day spending but it was not new money. Instead NHS trusts now have big backlogs of equipment and buildings needing replacement and being used beyond intended life cycle because the money was stolen.

    Pot hole repair is day-to-day road maintenance, not infrastructure or capital investment. HS2 was a new capital project. This is just more bullshit lies by the government and a huge issue here is how shit journalism is now. The BBC hasn’t questioned this spending pledge at all, instead it’s posted a bullshit superficial article on potholes.