Large enthusiastic texts as in large texts about topics, you have common with the other person and enthusiastic about.

I am a person who prefers texts over calls. Maybe that might be the reason, the people I have in my circles are more into calls than texts.

But this happened with my online friends as well whose only mode of communication is via texts.

I used to have a friend who would do so but with the topics only he was interested in lol but I used to kinda act like I’m listening to him by asking small questions . He did try to complement my listening skills once. We used to chat for hours together. Sadly life moved on and he branched away from my friend circle (which is kinda non-existent rn because life ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯).

Or am I just too boring or loud? Is this a bad habit? Sometimes I can’t stop making walls of texts. (Oops here I go again)

Side note: Subscribe to c! and help it grow. I wanted to make a post there but it was really dead. (It doesn’t have to be a instance.)

    3 months ago

    I am a person who prefers texts over calls.

    Are you talking about sending long texts on a phone?

    If that is so, even though I don’t know if you’re boring or not, I can assure that I would not read it. I never read/reply to a large text I receive on my phone (ok, maybe I would read it if it was from my spouse, but she can reach me much more efficiently using other means).

    I find the screen of any phone way too cramped, and the font way too small, for any kind of long form reading. Plus, the text layout will be shitty at best.

    Imvho, typing long texts on a tiny virtual keyboard is like trying to do brain surgery wearing mittens while riding a roller coaster. And reading it would be something like eating soup with a fork ;)

    Obviously, that’s just my personal opinion, anyone is more than welcome to disagree, but this may help explain, partly at least, the lack of reaction to your long texts? I mean, people simply do not bother reading wall of texts and/or they don’t feel like writing their own wall of text on such a poorly adapted keyboard/screen combo?

    As an experiment, you could try writing much shorter prose and see if you get more reactions from sending those?

      3 months ago

      Hard agree. There’s also the time component to it. If I’m on my phone I don’t want to have to spend much time reading, thinking, and the replying via text. I may hop onto my laptop to reply, but time is precious with younger kids which is why I first looked at the message on my phone…

    • zerozaku@lemmy.worldOP
      3 months ago

      Guess it’s about which generation you are from. Old generation who grew with PCs tend to be on keyboards, while gen z tend to be on phones.

      The thing is I’m kinda stuck in between. Genz doesn’t have attention span to read texts while old gens hate to use mobile phones. I am someone who is tech savy from genz and I love using tech from both generations. I need to find my people.

        3 months ago

        Guess it’s about which generation you are from. Old generation who grew with PCs tend to be on keyboards, while gen z tend to be on phones.

        The thing is I’m kinda stuck in between. Genz doesn’t have attention span to read texts while old gens hate to use mobile phones. I am someone who is tech savy from genz and I love using tech from both generations. I need to find my people.

        I always have a hard time understanding that ‘gen’ thing. I mean, for me people are people. They’re not clones of one another that are expected to do/want/wear/like/dislike the same things because they were born around the same year.

        But maybe you’re 100% right, that’s a generational thing, well that would be so for everybody else but yourself since you somehow managed to escape that strict categorisation of behaviours and preferences by sitting between two gens. Suppose your assumption is correct, wouldn’t it still be much simpler to experiment writing shorter texts or write them on another medium that would be more suited to long form, to say hoping to find more ‘exceptions to the rule’, aka more people like yourself, to start having interesting discussions?

        Just sayin’ ;)

        • zerozaku@lemmy.worldOP
          3 months ago

          Gen thing is pretty simple. People from that particular gen get used to doing things in a way that is famous in their gen. They see what the other people are doing in their age and copy them to feel more inclusive.

          PCs were famous and trendy in previous generation. Now it’s mobile phones. This is why we see gen z not being able to operate PC like their phones and previous gen not being able to do the vice versa. Pretty simple concept imo.

          Coming to second part of your message, yes I’m trying to be in on these long form media and this is why I started to post on Lemmy lot recently. But also I have feeling there are people like me who could match my enthusiasm who are worth finding and for the rest of the people I’ll try to send smaller texts as many have advised here 👍