I’d like to see just how horrible someone can make a site. Facebook is a good contender.

  • sp3ctr4l@lemmy.zip
    2 months ago


    Doesn’t exist any more, but definitely traumatized me as a child.

    If you haven’t heard of it, it was basically a video hosting site focusing on extreme violence and gore.

    Tons of clips of people being killed or horrifically maimed in war, car accidents, industrial accidents, ‘extreme’ magic shows gone wrong, brutal gang attacks, straight up snuff videos…

    Some videos off the top of my head I won’t ever be able to erase from my memory:

    The beheading of Daniel Pearl.

    Low resolution video of 9/11, but you could make out people jumping from the towers… and splattering all over the ground. The camera man tracked people the entire distance they fell.

    Some insane magic show gone wrong where a man chain sawed his wife in half … she hadn’t managed to fold herself into the right position inside the magic box… her screams and twitching legs were not an act.

    A video taken in Fallujah (I think?) of an Iraqi hopped up on an absurd amount of drugs, taken from a US soldier who had just dismounted with most of his squad from a humvee.

    Him and others advance down the middle of a street towards the soldiers, all holding AKs. A volley of fire from the dismounted soildiers either took out all the group, leaving them with chunks blown off, writhing in agony, or scattering…

    Except this one guy. He’s clearly seriously wounded, but is still advancing basically blind firing his AK.

    The US soldiers are in shock that he’s still walking.

    Now for a burst from a 50 cal.

    Huge parts of this guy’s body are visibly blown off of him, but he still advances.

    A second, more sustained 50 cal burst basically liquifies him where he stood.