As previously mentioned, we now have a PS5 in the household. My handicap is that I have no experience with modern consoles, so I therefore have a few questions. Basically, we have multiple users, each with their own controller and PS account, and I haven’t entirely figured out how games, saves, and purchases work.

If offspring A buys a game, can offspring B play it? (Are the games/purchases tied to the console or the user?)
If offspring B plays a game, will his progress/savegame only be for his user?

    2 months ago

    I don’t have a PS5 but I’d assume many things are carry overs from the PS4. With that out of the way, purchased games are tied to the account, not the console and same for the saves; offspring B’s save is perfectly safe from offspring A, for example.

    Now, on the PS4 there was a primary account. If the primary account bought a game AND DOWNLOADED IT, the other accounts could play that game and have their own save. I’m not sure if a game purchased by an additional account would be accessible to the rest but logic would follow that they could so long as the game had been downloaded by the owner.

    2 months ago

    Most, nearly all games will have unique saves for each user. My son sometimes goes into a game, his save isn’t there, and realizes he needs to switch users.

    When we all play a game together, we typically use my account as the “main” account, unless that game is particularly important to one of the kids.

    We make all purchases through the main account as well just for consistency. The purchase is tied to the account. When we upgraded to PS5 from PS4, all of the games were accessible from the account.