Just buy the two books “What They Teach You at Harvard Business School” & “What They Don’t Teach You at Harvard Business School” and that should cover the entire fucking universe.
Everything is either a potato or not a potato
what about potato superposition
Just measure it’s potatoness, should fix it for bit.
According to Ben Rich, 2/3 HBS = BS
"If you’re looking for self-help, why would you read a book written by somebody else? That’s not self-help… that’s help. There’s no such thing as self-help. If you did it yourself you didn’t need help. Try to pay attention to the language we’ve all agreed on. "
-George Carlin
Came here for this, thank you 🖤
I guess capitalism does offer choice?
you’re joking, but “choice paralysis” is a real thing and actually makes people feel worse about their choices than if they had fewer options to choose from
https://youtu.be/VO6XEQIsCoM yes it’s a ted talk, but from back before they turned to shit
On lemmy the answer to everything is “capitalism bad”.
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Yea I spent an hour reading about a 10$ diet study book before I bought it for this exact reason.
I found one book that actually helped me.
“Discover What You Are Best At” by Linda Gail.
It’s six self tests you can knock off in half a day, then a list of the jobs that use the skills you already have.
I always thought I just hated working, then I found a job where I felt useful and productive.
When you can wake up on a rainy Monday and not hate going to work, you’ve solved most of your problems.
“If Books Could Kill” vibes.
“How to Make a Fortune: Selling Fortune-Making Guide Books to Rubes” - Griff T. Runner
“How to sell tat to wankers” - Donald J Trump
Hey, that’s the same person who sold me a bridge!
Information is not truth.
The point of a teacher is to challenge the student. We become wiser by putting knowledge to the test, not by merely ingesting information. There is as much misinformation as there is true information, if not more. That is why learning is only complete once the misinformation is separated from the true information. And the only way to do that is to experience the information in the context of the real world.
This is just as true for machine learning/AI BTW.
Interestingly, each and every title portrayed here is, individually a lie, and collectively probably more accurate. Because the truth is usually much more nuanced and complicated than can be distilled into a short book title. But you won’t get that by reading a single book or author. And while reading multiple authors is closer to getting to the truth, the real truth is found when you put the books in context with your own experiences and reality.
That’s not an excuse for climate denial though. A teacher will rightfully tell you your world view is too small to experience climate change.
Sounds like it’s all about selling books. Be sure to Like and Subscribe!
And turn on the bell!
I prefer the self-help books that insult my intelligence in the title.
“Self-actualization for complete dumbasses”