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- world@lemmy.world
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- world@lemmy.world
Everyone with half a brain agrees Musk and the far right German leader are wankers.
Unfortunately, there’s a lot of people out there missing half their brain.
They don’t care what we think.
They’re interested in catering to people who are stupid or impressionable. There are more of them and they are more violent.
Fuck, someone should have let Hitler know before Leningrad. Could have saved a lot of time, energy, cost, lives, etc.
He and Stalin could have been frens.
Freedom without socialism is privilege and injustice; socialism without freedom is slavery and brutality; socialism without redistribution is a tyrant trying to trick you
- Bakunin if he was alive to see this bullshit
Just because the Nazis called themselves the “national socialist party” did NOT make them communists. They called themselves that to attract naive revolutionary idiots who thought the government would help them. But they were always fascists.
North Korea calls itself “The People’s Democratic Republic of North Korea” even though is not the People’s, not Democratic, and definitely not a Republic. It’s a marketing gimmick by the government to pretend that it’s something it isn’t.
Wasn’t one of the first groups that Hitler went after when he gained power were the communists? I’m pretty sure I remember that communists were sent to concentration camps along with Jews, disabled people, and LGBT.
It’s not only that they sent communists to concetration camps, they opened the camps in the first place in order to have a place where to put them all
Hitler killed communists
Hitler killed Hitler
Therefore, Hitler = communists
Checkmate, liberals 😎
So this is what it feels like to live in bizarro world.
“First they came for the communists, but I did not speak out because I was not a communist”
Hitler was the literal opposite of a communist. He came for the communists before he came for the Jews.
When you’re further right than Hitler but whine that people call you a Nazi…
Yeah, I remember watching Elon personally shooting fire Jewish babies to death yesterday and curb stomping a few more…
Oh wait, that didn’t happen and FFS dude, stop with the hyperbolic nonsense. Elon musk is the scum of the earth but he is by far still not further right than Hitler. He very well may become, but for the moment he’s not.
I was just reading some news on Meta, and it certainly did happen, there is plenty of articles to prove it.
Following through and holding beliefs have very little to do with each other. There’s a reason you can’t find pictures of musk and Zuckerberg being friendly to each other.
It’s funny how shitler comes up in their convos…
2 nazis trying to rewrite history
Yes, and everyone else agrees
That they’re both morons
Those people are so dumb that they’re turning against their own idols. Next thing you know they’re gonna be saying Mussolini was never involved in WWII nor right leaning because of how much of a disgrace he was. Can’t have people who failed at being a terroristic right wing dictator in their revisionist history books.
They are not dumb, just evil.
Weidel is a lesbian living in swiss with her Thai wife and 2 adopted children.
In Germany she wants to prohibit gay marriage or any other form of family other than nuclear and hates migrants.
I have no idea who pays her but this is a level of cognitive dissonance only explainable with hardcore corruption.
Even more than ethnic supremacy/hatred, nazi ideology is anti-communist first. The intersection with Jews at the time was that European communist leaders were Jews, and the communist party was leading opposition party before Reichstag fire provided the opportunity to ban them. Jews tended to not vote for nazi party.
In anti-communist/right wing rulership systems, the government helps business be richer and more powerful. This was definitely the system/dynamic under Hitler, and US imprisoned many German business leaders for a short time after the war until their own anti-communist ideology was aligned with their values.
Eh, three arrows isn’t really a good source either. Being against Socialism/Communism (one of the arrows in the 3) is a big red flag for attacking claims of Nazis being Socialist. A much better source would be Blackshirts and Reds by Dr. Michael Parenti.
The arrow is not against socialism. The arrows represent monarchism, fascism and communism.
You have an “.ml” next to your name, so I’m going to assume that you know the difference between socialism and communism.
Historically, the three arrows symbol has been used by groups attacking Socialists, hence why I added the slash. Overwhelmingly, those who use the three arrows, including those who originated the symbol, are Social Democrats. Social Democracy is not Socialism, it’s Capitalism with larger and more robust safety nets, and as such said Social Democrats have historically had just as much problem with Socialists as they have with Communists.
This is without getting into my own personal analysis of Socialism, that being that any society dedicated to maintaining Socialism will almost certainly eventually move towards Commnism anyways. This is just historical contextualization. Three Arrows the YouTuber identifies as a Social Democrat as well, so this is again reinforcing the idea that I don’t think someone who isn’t a Socialist and doesn’t support Socialism should be seen as an authority on analyzing whether or not a system is Socialist.
That’s why I recommended a historian with a doctorate who wrote a famous book on precisely this subject. It’s a quick, snappy read too.