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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • Dude. Dude. You’re still a kid ;)

    Age jokes from an old fart aside, it’s about your willingness to go looking.

    It does mean you’ll end up using some otherwise shitty services unless you are active in a local music related scene (like clubbing). But YouTube, Pandora, spotify, and most of the other music streaming services have some degree of recommendations. They aren’t all that great usually, but in the absence of being immersed with real life music explorers, it’s the best option.

    You can check out the Billboard top 200 and go the route of hoping your preferred music genres chart in the first place, but also being fairly reliable that other fans have vetted tracks for it to get there.

    And radio still exists. You can pick a station that’s genre specific or a top 40 station and find stuff that’s already a little popular that way. It isn’t as reliable as it used to be, but you can find newer raising acts that way.

    There’s forums. I haunt the typical lemmy based music C/s, plus the ones for my favorite genres, which keeps me fairly up to date on new releases as well as some new acts.

    And, always participate in your local scene when possible. It’s harder with hip-hop since finding local acts outside of cities is damn near impossible, but if you’re into other stuff too, it can be a great way to catch acts before they get going, if your local scene is active enough. I’m fairly lucky in that bluegrass is one of the genres I’m into, and I’m not too far away from one of the better known cities for country and bluegrass music. So it’s easy to find new bands and solo acts performing at a bar or local festival that end up getting popular eventually. That’s an example of what i mean, making use of what’s already there locally.

  • Man, the closest I ever give to my location is in the south, in the Appalachians. Nobody needs to know more than that online, and fuck anyone that doesn’t like it lol.

    Every state here has dumb shit going on all the time. Political stupidity, economic stupidity, environmental stupidity, you name it, there’s something stupid going on in any given subject matter in most states. You find one that’s great at one thing, they’ll be horrible in another. Mind you, I’m talking the people; the land itself is incapable of stupidity, what with being mostly dirt and plants.

    Anyway. If you’re worried about disparaging people in a given state, just do what I do (and just did). Blame the idiots in California for a given issue, but don’t specify who you think the idiots are. Nobody objects to those other people that are idiots being disparaged. Why would they? Those other people are morons.

    That’s not even a joke. I mean, it’s meant to be vaguely humorous, but it’s legit.

  • Are you asking how they’re different, as in what makes the different hairs come out the way they do?

    Or, is it wondering what the point in the difference is?

    The first one is pretty easy. Follicles. The follicles determine how hair is shaped, how it feels, and how thick it is. The way they chain the materials together determines how straight/curly it is, how coarse/smooth it is, the diameter, and how long it grows before falling out and getting replaced. You can look at cosmetology faqs for the details. There’s some debate on some of the details, but that’s the gist of it.

    As for why there’s a difference in anything but length, that’s harder. Evolution is the broad answer. At some point, the genes that made our hair the ways it can be were advantageous enough to end up fairly universal for all humans.

    There are no certain answers, and I don’t think it’s possible to have many when it comes to that side of things. But, the two big ideas I’ve read about or heard about are friction vs scent and display vs temperature.

    When it comes to pubes, there are people that have the hypothesis that they’re pheromonal concentration and dispersion assistance. There’s also the idea that they prevent friction leading to skin injury over time, and/or during sex.

    Between those two, I kinda doubt the first. Humans just don’t have much in the way of pheromones, and we suck at detecting them. Seems pretty strange to need the coarse and curly hair down there when the associated senses aren’t there. The second makes sense on the surface for sure; just shave your junk and put on some stiff pants and you can tell the difference with and without pubes in five minutes. And there is a degree of increased skin irritation without hair, but I don’t see that as being as big a factor. I personally suspect air flow has a factor in there, but I have nothing to back that up with other than genitals being very temperature responsive and humidity needing. But I admit it could be both or neither, I sure don’t have the expertise to say (and there aren’t many people that do)

    Head hair, you get the usual debate on it growing the way it does for environmental protection against heat and cold, usually versus the possibility of it being for display. I say it’s both because it’s pretty unusual to find any critters with a major trait like that not having multiple functions.

    Anyway, years ago, I asked the same question and went digging. I didn’t give enough of a fuck to write things down, but that’s the basics I picked up.

  • Being real, it depends on what people think marriage is.

    There’s multiple concepts out there, which may or may not conflict with each other.

    What really matters is the people involved agreeing on which concepts they will be engaging in. That’s the truth no matter if it’s arranged or not.

    Now, when arranged = forced, that’s some fucked up shit. But the two aren’t inherently the same thing.

    When it comes right down to it, “marriage” is just a word for a formalized union between people that is recognized by the community/state. How the people involved get there is kinda meaningless. A carefully arranged marriage in a culture where marriage is done for practical reasons is no worse of a concept than two random drunks in vegas getting hitched just because. It’s not even a worse concept than two people that love each other choosing to formalize their bond (and it doesn’t even have to be romantic love, good friends can sometimes a marriage make).

    I’m not saying the culture in Afghanistan is good or bad. I do have my doubts that the marriages arranged are done so in a healthy and equitable manner, but that’s a separate issue from assuming that arranged marriages are somehow a relic of the past and that it should die out. They still exist because people want them to.

  • Ngl, we have a marans hen, which is a fairly small breed, and she’s at least twice the size of these.

    Also, other than the mess, chickens are way better companion animals than I would have thought. They are, however, messier than any other bird I’ve seen, and I used to date a “bird girl” from a family that had dozens of birds in their home.

    But damn, when ours decides to be cuddly, it’s a very fulfilling cuddle. She’ll get up on my chest like she did back when she was still smaller than one of these, nestle into my beard and just trill happily. It’s fucking brutal, just absolutely heart wrenching in its cuteness.

    That being said, holy shit are they bonkers. Like, they’re a single minded destruction machine when they want to be (our chickens anyway), they’re bossy, and it was very difficult to train the little marans hen to use a pad for pooping. Feathers everywhere, all the time.

  • You have been hanging in the wrong places lol.

    There are absolutely identity politics driven US liberals (as opposed to the use of liberal by the rest of the world) that are ranting, raving assholes. Always have been.

    But, here’s the thing. Those assholes are much more likely to be ostracized and/or shut down by the less batshit US liberals, progressives, socialists, etc that form the “left” writ large. But echo chambers for it do exist anyway. There’s a few on lemmy, though they aren’t federated with most of the rest.

    Here’s the key difference. What conservatives want to conserve is their sense of power. It’s mostly straight, cis white people here in the US. There’s plenty of exceptions, but they tend to not be as loud and asinine as the ones you’re talking about.

    That’s where the anger comes from: fear. Fear of black/brown/yellow/red people. Fear of anything different. Fear of a non Christian based world leaving them behind.

    The ones at the top also want to stay rich and powerful in the political sense, and are perfectly willing to weaponize their voting base to do so.

    The ones at the top of the various non-conservative branches in the US also want to keep power and make money, and they’ll use different fear to mobilize, but they don’t usually weaponize it.

    Fwiw, if you’re one of the ones that does want to play petty, childish games instead of doing something useful, it’s good you’re shamed and muted. Shit or get off the pot. Engage in real work for real change, and do it like you know how to pretend to be a civilized human being. I’m not even talking about peaceful efforts. If you really want to force change, step the fuck up and do something about it. Start the revolution you want to see. Just don’t be some douche harassing churches and pretending it’s anything other than self congratulatory masturbation.

  • Eh, if you amend that to games where it matters in competitive, I’d agree mostly.

    Though, being real, as long as they are willing to listen, and follow the instructions via voice, a mic isn’t necessary. To the contrary, if you have a good organizer/leader, everyone else wasting time responding during a match makes a mic a drawback sometimes.

    Yes, it does mean that if you don’t have/use a microphone, and you aren’t willing/able to do what you’re told, you can fuck right off. You can’t work as a team and make independent choices if you aren’t going to communicate about them.

    But this doesn’t apply to every PvP game. There aren’t a lot of truly competitive (as in the outcome matters, and the mode can’t be effectively played as a group of individuals rather than as a team) games that it doesn’t apply to, but they do exist.

  • To rupture? I would be highly dubious of that claim. Without some kind of factor weakening or otherwise changing things, there’s no headphones out there that could do that, even with a perfect seal.

    Damage hearing, absolutely. But that’s a far cry from rupturing an ear drum. That’s hard enough to do on purpose. I’ve seen people try to clap hands on the ears to attempt a rupture and never seen it work.

    I’ve had some big fucking handguns go off near my ear without a rupture. Couldn’t hear shit for days in one case, but no injury to the membrane itself. Fuck, I’ve been right near the stage for Iron Maiden and was fine the next day.

    Eardrums are hard to rupture at all, much less without a very good seal and large amounts of air moving.

  • Being real though?

    For the people that wanted his services, it isn’t like there’s many alternatives. It’s incredibly hard to find licenced surgeons that are willing to do that kind of extreme body modifications. And, when the drive to do it is at least partially impelled by some form of dysmorphia, the person is going to eventually find a way.

    I once knew a guy obsessed with having his tongue cut off. I tried convincing him to not do it at all, to try finding treatment for the urge itself first, to do anything but try to cut his tongue out. Didn’t matter, he eventually tried it despite efforts to at least delay him until something else could happen to help him.

    That kind of thing is rare, but with billions of people on earth, a low percentage is still high numbers.

    And, marrying being real? Body autonomy should be a core human right, even to that extreme. It isn’t like very many places in the world have effective mental health intervention. Even with programs to support folks that have bad access for one reason or another, there’s long lists and long delays with long gaps between visits. The kind of pressure that people with this kind of issue feel can’t always hold out, and they’ll do whatever it takes to relieve that pain.

    Now, the guy still needed to be stopped. He was essentially preying on people for his own wants and needs. But realistically, that’s where a lot of that kind of thing happens; you get desperate people looking for anyone that will do the job, and they don’t care about risks.

    Ffs, look at the threading and “vampire facial” shit that people will do, chasing their body image. Look at the kind of distortions that shitty plastic surgeons are willing to do. Results that, no matter how well executed, change the body just as much as what this guy did. But they would never do an elective cosmetic procedure up amputate a limb.

    Me? I say set up some regulatory controls, screen everyone that wants to do it, train them, and get out of the way with arbitrary controls over what a person can do to their body or not.

    There’s people that have actually convinced doctors to help them do this kind of extreme modification. They are largely less stressed and get on with their lives. So, at least set up a method for the very serious people to have a safe path if you don’t want it to be as open to all.