…when the parameters for your LLM can fit on a floppy disk.
Am I having a stroke on the toilet?
It’s as good a place as any. Just make sure you clean up when you’re done.
You tell me, buddy
What’s getting to me is that they took the time to flip the image and enlarge his hand
Why did reading that sentence damage my brain?
Pure poetry.
That is a pretty funny tv joke on the tv.
…has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?..
I’m not sure that I ever have
The comment summoned a demon but the joke in the episode was pretty funny. Hank had trouble opening the can of wd-40 so he pulled out a smaller can and sprayed the bigger can. It was a funny moment.
This is borderline postmodern
Honestly I felt like this was Flanderization.
Boomhauer translation verbatim
If anyone wants to experience it again: https://youtu.be/APl0edZ8gI8