Like, what the fuck. Waiting rooms, libraries, movie theaters, on and on. That same fucking Samsung notification sound, at volume 11/10. For every notification every 20 seconds as Fox/CNN/QVC forces more and more bullshit on you and therefore us. Do you not know that you’re pissing everyone off? Do you not care? I hope it’s because you’re too stupid to turn off sound notifications, but the high volume suggests that you like it and want more. Your generation was the one making us be quiet in public spaces and now you ruin them for everybody. Seriously, fuck you.

    2 months ago

    I was at the Dr office Monday. While in the waiting room, at full volume, everyone experienced:

    “Hello Moto” “Hello Moto” “Hello Moto” “Hello Moto” “Hello Moto”

      2 months ago

      Several years ago, I was in a waiting room while my father had heart surgery. Two things I remember were that for some reason they had us in an area that was primarily the waiting room for pediatric surgery and, a woman with one of the other families in the same lobby was getting a call every 5 minutes. I remember these things because the woman’s ringtone was “If I die young” by The Band Perry. Every 5 fucking minutes, this woman’s phone started screaming “If I die young, bury me in…” This was enough to make me want to fly off the handle waiting on my 60 year old father’s surgery. I can’t imagine if I’d been with a family who was waiting to hear about a child. To this day I can’t hear that song while seeing red for a minute.