Like, what the fuck. Waiting rooms, libraries, movie theaters, on and on. That same fucking Samsung notification sound, at volume 11/10. For every notification every 20 seconds as Fox/CNN/QVC forces more and more bullshit on you and therefore us. Do you not know that you’re pissing everyone off? Do you not care? I hope it’s because you’re too stupid to turn off sound notifications, but the high volume suggests that you like it and want more. Your generation was the one making us be quiet in public spaces and now you ruin them for everybody. Seriously, fuck you.
Its not just notifications. Its also them watching entire videos at high volume in waiting rooms, ads and everything. That or its endless scrolling and completely unrelated audio blasts chained together doing literal psychic damage to everyone around.
It drives me fucking NUTS. The worst part is they’re the ones that will be the first to complain about kids these days being glued to their phones.
OMG my dad does this while I’m on the phone with him. If I had a dollar for every time I had to tell him to turn off the video on his phone so I could hear him…
A neat thing about living in Japan is that there are announcements and signs everywhere telling you to please keep your phone silent and to turn down the volume on your headphones so that noise doesn’t leak out either. ‘Silent mode’ is literally called ‘manner mode.’
I’m going to start a community called, UnnecessarilyGenerational. This would be post #1.
Typical zoomer reaction
My first thought was “How is this a boomer thing, I see people of all ages doing this.”
Fucking boomers and their Samsung phones. Why can’t they just be like us Millennials and our Apple iPhones? 😤
I don’t know if this is just boomers. I remember a person my age in Uni some years ago who just sat there with her freaking iPhone not silent, end every few minutes a message came with a loud “DING!”
My mom tried to watch Chinese drama shows on public transport. I told her to stop it before some pissed off hillbilly use violence (for context: at the time, there were some news reports of people getting shot for blasting loud music from their car)
My coworker does this with video and shit too it kills me…
5 guys in the same area, 4 of us know how headphones work, but Oldie McDust has to make us listen to his crap music and whatever video he’s listening to at the time…
He figured out how tictok works, even got himself a damn Bluetooth speaker but can’t bother to take the hint from the rest of us and get headphones…
My coworker does this too. Videos, messages, his fucking doorbell. I work from home now so it can’t bother me anymore, but idk how our boss can stand being in the same room as him.
He was playing a video during a teams meeting the other day and everyone could hear it. He didn’t stop when called out on it (boss wasn’t there that day), and the person leading the meeting literally said, “how does he keep getting unmuted?”
“Take the hint” i.e. we never told him it bothers us
I took a commuter train to the big city the other day and I couldn’t believe how many other commuters were scrolling through TikTok with speaker on, or video calling their parents with speaker on. Nobody else wants to hear your shitty music videos.
While yes I feel you on this … the boomers are probably going deaf and need the extra volume… the asshats who have the phone on speaker like a goddamn walkie talkie in those same public places should be drawn and quartered.
Generally a bigger push towards “maybe don’t be a pubic nuisance” for everyone: regardless of age/generation couldn’t hurt.
And stupid kids blasting their calls on loudspeaker, holding their phones like absolute idiots
Do you not care?
bingo. they dont give a fuck.
Thats cause they old and cant hear shit…. We are all headed that way.
So? Put it on vibrate.
I don’t know about other people, but I often miss vibration notifications. If I’m doing basically anything at all, even just walking, it’s a good bet I’ll miss it. The pattern of vibration, etc., doesn’t seem to make much difference, either. I basically have to be doing nothing before I’ll detect it. This has been true of every phone I’ve had - flip phones, iPhones, and Androids. I keep it in a front pocket, too, so it seems like that should work.
I still use vibrate all the time. If there’s something I’m specifically waiting for that I don’t want to miss, I’ll turn on the sound.
Same. I also get phantom vibrations sometimes so it’s a toss up for me.
Yeah, there are times when I’m like, “Aha! It’s definitely vibrating now!” Pull it out of my pocket and look, no notifications or anything.
I set the notifications to vibrate and set a ringtone for all calls. I don’t think you should respond to messages immediately.
Vibrate is worst than ringing for him.
We are but I’m gonna have my phone on vibrate cuz I have a shred of self awareness
My dad will not feel the phone vibrate… it sucks getting old. I have tried it all with him even with the loud ring tone still doesnt hear it.
Yeah I’m not a boomer but sometimes I don’t feel the vibration, especially if I’m wearing looser clothes. But if I have it on vibrate all the time I also start getting phantom vibrations when nothing actually happened. Sometimes when my phone isn’t even in my pocket, I’ll think I got a vibration notification.
Ha ha ha, generalizations are fun and hateful.
I was at the Dr office Monday. While in the waiting room, at full volume, everyone experienced:
“Hello Moto” “Hello Moto” “Hello Moto” “Hello Moto” “Hello Moto”
Several years ago, I was in a waiting room while my father had heart surgery. Two things I remember were that for some reason they had us in an area that was primarily the waiting room for pediatric surgery and, a woman with one of the other families in the same lobby was getting a call every 5 minutes. I remember these things because the woman’s ringtone was “If I die young” by The Band Perry. Every 5 fucking minutes, this woman’s phone started screaming “If I die young, bury me in…” This was enough to make me want to fly off the handle waiting on my 60 year old father’s surgery. I can’t imagine if I’d been with a family who was waiting to hear about a child. To this day I can’t hear that song while seeing red for a minute.
Boobedy boop boop
I had a professor whose phone would go off every one or two minutes during lecture. Same guy would use the word “literally” in every other sentence (always incorrectly). So many annoying things in that class.