There was a perk for one-hit knockouts and it would crack me up just running around and bonking people with a mace.
The beginning, where you are fleeing on horseback along that creek into the valley. I was amazed how real the terrain felt to me, it wasn’t just designed terrain, with random hills, valleys and forests, it felt naturally, alive to me.
The creek split the valley, which was in the beginning soft hills with a light forest on them, the deeper you got into that valley the terrain gradually became rougher, with big boulders and cliffs. RDR2 had a similar feel of terrain that just felt more naturally than in most games.
Daniel Vavra having no clue about history and being racist.
I don’t think he sees black people as real people based on his comments. Sometimes I wish the people behind the games were silent so that their rotten opinions didn’t creep their way into the experience.
What is the context for this?
They have this one guy who at every turn chooses to say or do the most annoying thing. Not being a jerk is so easy. For instance, I pass you the link, wish you a good day and you can form your own opinions about this. If you say, I disagree with you, I go “cool” and move on.
For whatever reason this YouTube video about playing the game after 100 hours is burned into my brain.
Getting bored/ stuck at the monastery and having to give up. Personally I really loved the combat system and enjoyed being ganged up on by like 3 or 4 looters. Keep the nice armor in the saddle, quickly equipping it, and having almost max combat skills meant getting some easy loot every time to upgrade my swagger.
Nice storytelling, but clunky combat that I got burned out on fast :(
The combat was solid for 1v1 but the game put you in so many 1 vs many situations and switching targets on the fly was not smooth or quick enough.
Bow and arrow didn’t have that and it was so satisfying
Developer being butthurt about wokeness and being a gamergate incel.
Sword swinging was okay.
Game breaking bug that made it impossible to progress on the single save file I had. I won’t be buying KCD 2. Also the CEO of the company is a massive cunt.
It was too punishing with out proper auto saves so I gave up after being stuck in too many loops of having to run waste 30min to get somewhere get killes, repeat
I ain’t got time for this lol
I didn’t mind the save system so much. Take an hour nap here and there and take a save drink when you are doing something stupid. I spammed the save and quit feature a lot tbh
The save system was a mini game I had zero-interest playing
It was a huge friction point for me. I wanted to play the game but I get few hours to Playbridge game as an adult…
There’s a mod for that which gives you unlimited saves.
I think I heard about it and that is a fair point. But I am past that stage in my gaming career.
I just need to be able to hop on for an hour or two, have a good time.
My hope they learned their lesson with the new game. Waiting got them reviews.
For me it was going to Skalitz for the first time after the events of prologue. I had 3 bandits attack me right after leaving Rattay, finding out several towns on the way, finally reaching right as the weather turned very angry with thunders and rain, only to find the aftermath of the prologue.
Being absolute trash with a sword, then suddenly getting to a level that I can win a fight without a ton of luck
im starting to get hungry
I think I watched the Zero Punctuation episode on it. Was that before or after he started pronouncing colons as dry heaves?
- Great RPG
- I don’t like RPGs that much
I’m a backer of the first title. I don’t regret it. I’m just a little sad that it didn’t captivate me to the point of continued play where I’d get more out of it.
RPG is a broad term, so I’m not even sure it’s fitting, or encompassing enough; I’m thinking of the involved character story, and maybe to a lesser degree the way you interact with the world and fight
The sudden, abrupt ending…