is it well known and do people talk about it … like in the mainstream media ?
[solved] in the media :
( thanks to irelephant )
What To Know
The movement has a website at and is active on Instagram, Reddit, Bluesky, Discord and Signal.
(see comment below by )
for folks who don’t know, I was a part of a small organizing team that led to a mass mobilization in 813 cities worldwide in 2019.I am not talking out of my ass.
You should be VERY VERY VERY careful in this environment about sharing flyers for events that identify NO organizer
See also :
proposed by :
[solved] by :
- interface to reddit community:
- spreadsheet with info on this and other protests:
Click to show start times
Start times:
Start Times By State (current as of 1/31/2025):
Alabama: No information
Alaska: 12:00 noon
Arizona: 12:00 noon
Arkansas: 12:00 noon
California: 12:00 noon
Colorado: 12:00 noon
Connecticut: 12:00 noon
Delaware: 12:00 noon
Florida: 12:00 noon
Georgia: 11:00 AM
Hawaii: 12:00 noon
Idaho: 12:00 noon
Illinois: 12:00 noon
Indiana: 12:00 noon
Iowa: 12:00 noon
Kansas: 12:00 noon
Kentucky: 12:00 noon
Louisiana: 12:00 noon
Maine: 12:00 noon
Maryland: 12:00 noon
Massachusetts: 12:00 noon
Michigan: 12:00 noon
Minnesota: 12:00 noon
Mississippi: 12:00 noon
Missouri: 12:00 noon
Montana: 12:00 noon
Nebraska: 12:00 noon
Nevada: 12:00 noon
New Hampshire: 12:00 noon
New Jersey: 12:00 noon
New Mexico: 12:00 noon
New York: 12:00 noon
North Carolina: 1:00 PM
North Dakota: 12:00 noon
Ohio: 12:00 noon
Oklahoma: 12:00 noon - 4:00 PM
Oregon: 12:00 noon
Pennsylvania: 12:00 noon
Rhode Island: 12:00 noon
South Carolina: 12:00 noon
South Dakota: 12:00 noon
Tennessee: 1:30
Texas: 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Utah: 12:00 noon
Vermont: 12:00 noon
Virginia: 11:30 AM
Washington: 12:00 noon - 2PM
Washington DC: 12:00 noon
West Viriginia: 12:00 noon
Wisconsin: 12:00 noon
Wyoming: 12:00 noon
They left out writing the number of your attorney or the ACLU on yourself in sharpie, so you’ll have it if you need it.
Watchout for Google too!
Not commanding enough. It should be “Avoid Google at all costs”.
Don’t start protesting on a week day. Protest on the weekend to get a show of force. If demands are not met, follow it up with a general strike for your next protest.
People will be more willing to join in strike action if they know they are not alone.
I only just learned about it today, myself. I work that day, but I might be able to shift things around.
I really wish that these protests were more widely shared in advance. I want to be involved, but only getting a couple of days advance warning makes it really hard. I know that sometimes you have to act fast, but if you want your movement to succeed then you’ve got to try to consider the real lives of all of the people who want to help, but are also really limited in their time. Plan protests on weekends, and if you’ve got to protest on a weekday, then plan it way ahead of time and give everyone a chance to plan to be there. I’m sure it looks better to have one big protest with 10X people there than ten protests with 1X people attending.
i don’t know who organized this and just made this post to have some answers. Thankfully, some users are coming up with answers … so i have updated the header of this post.
Pretty sure it was just a grassroots online thing, without any real leaders. Which, don’t get me wrong that has its own benefits. But understanding that origin also helps explain why it’s a little unorganized
Absolutely, that i would say as well from what was discussed here.
Why on such a weird day? I can just take off work this week and drive 3 hours to Madison lol. Can I digitally be there. Although I’m expecting an very poor turnout in every state tbh.
because in the middle of the week in the middle of the day is when it causes the most disruption to literally everything and everybody. Government officials won’t even be there on the weekend. May as well decide to do it in the middle of a huge field out in the country.
Ah yeah that makes sense. I would do it around 3-5pm so they can’t go home lmao.
i was also thinking it might be better in the weekend … fortunately, people will talk and decide.
But also it is called 50 Protests, 50 States, OneDay : February 5thThe date will be 2/5/25. I think it’s more symbolism of protesting Project 2025.
Yeah February in WI is not a smart time to plan to stand outside. Same in most other northern states for at least another 2 months
This will be too short notice and too expensive for many to attend. has the right idea
I think this has value even if it doesn’t cause immediate change. People need to just get out and express how they’re feeling and network with like minded people instead of sitting online doomscrolling. We’ve got to organize.
I’ve been trying to figure out how to network with people where I live and so far it’s been very difficult, partly because I’m very busy constantly and don’t have a car or a lot of spending money, and also because I’m depressed and my social skills are absolute garbage. At this point almost all of my social life for the past few years has been Lemmy, Reddit, and Instagram.
I was pretty sure I knew what a general strike was… wouldn’t any strike be more expensive than 2-4 hours of protest, and wouldn’t a general strike involve much more planning than a normal strike due to the scale and breadth?
Also I was worried that was too soon. The UAW general strike is planned for 2028 to get time to plan, because a general strike isn’t something you can just do successfully at the drop of a hat.
Yes it would. That’s why they’re having people fill out strike cards and waiting until they actually have that organization before they set a date
Could be used to organise for a general strike though.
Added your link to the header of my post, thanks for this information
This was poorly advertised. I’ve never heard of it, and I’m on Lemmy every day.
As a Brit looking in, America is a mess
a mess
Is that supposed to be a British way of spelling “disaster”?
From what I can see about it, the organisers are some reddit mods. The person who started it was The subreddit is r/50501 and their bluesky is
A lot of people don’t know about it, its gotten almost no attention from the media, that I have noticed. All I have found is one newsweek article
Finally, there is real article in mainstream media that can be used to create a post in one of the main news communities.
Would you care to create it ?
N.B. it can’t be in /c/WorldNews because they do not accept news from the USA.Posted it, ! They said the same things in their discord about it when I shared it, funnily enough.
Thanks for helping people understand what this is.
Now, about their discord : do you mean they are saying people should see posts in here at Lemmy ?No, I meant that they were happy to see that a news org reported on 50501.
I think it’s gonna be one of those things that’s supposed to be a thing, but isn’t a thing.
But I’m not going to shit all over someone’s attempt to make a difference if it’s based on genuine good effort and intention.
Reject 2025
For the love of everything, please do take to the streets. Better late than never.
5th Nov 2024 - was the chance to prevent this. Trump’s team made it clear on the direction they were heading and no-one heeded the warnings. 35% didn’t vote and the majority of those that did voted for him, which either means they agree with the direction or were deluded into thinking it wasn’t going to happen.
I’m all for protest but I don’t think you have a chance of changing anything, he owns the legislature and the voting public allowed it to happend.
I’m not American or a resident of US but that’s just my opinion as an outsider.
ah yes, voting, famously known for being the only way humans have ever changed their material circumstances.
now that voting has failed us, the only thing left to do is nothing!
Sadly voting didn’t fail you. US is in the same predicament UK was in after Brexit. Complacency at the expected outcome, a belief that some people couldn’t be so stupid as to vote for Trump/Brexit and yet, they did in the majority.
Regardless of how fucked up the election process is, inany countries I’m not singling out the US, that is the reason that you feel failed, look at your countrymen that swallowed the snake oil and ask the question why?
I made huge stink about those that failed to vote. Meanwhile people blame third parties. Bro they voted at least.
Good luck but I either need to fly or take a ferry to get to my state’s capitol building. Need more than a few days heads up.
Alright, I’m prepared to take some heat for this because in the context of the best organized protests I think my assumptions are incorrect. However most protests don’t rise to that level. Thing is if your protest looks for the most part like a party with some political alignments and isn’t related to some direct action in your community or actual expectations/demands of the relevant political body…
Not to say that “performative” protests are useless. But there seems to be a distressing number of my fellow gen Z that think these sorts of protests alone will work. Like all they need to do is yell loudly into a few news network cameras on capital hill then go home.
I’ll probably see what’s going on in my home state and hope to see some targeted action and real dialogue. I truly hope my assumptions are proven wrong.
“We the people” voted for it! There was no big reveal after the election; it was well known that Project 2025 was the goal. Anyone who says otherwise had their head in the sand for the last 6 months.
A lot of Trump voters are horribly uninformed. They didn’t know - and still don’t know - what Project 2025 is. They thought it was fearmongering because they only heard about it from Dems. They have no idea what’s happening right now, nor do they care. All they know is their team won, and they’re otherwise tuned out. Maybe they’ll wake up when they feel the effects, but they’ll probably just blame Democrats because Fox News tells them to.
Those were willfully ignorant and they will remain so until they hurt bad or die, no amoubt of information will change that
The majority of “We the people” voted for something else. Don’t let Trump have the narrative that this is what the American people asked for.
Most maga voters had their head in the sand, they have always had their head in the sand, it’s the only way for them to live. Ignore reality, pretend that your make belief world where racism is fine, jeebus can take the wheel, miracles exist, and trump is the new jeebus