Dude don’t waste your death on a splat, buy a sniper rifle and at least try an assassination attempt. You can always have a live grenade or side arm if you screw up and have to off yourself… But I mean, at least take some pot shots at him or a crony before you leave.
Just to make sure there’s no chilling effect on any Americans who watched that link: It is in fact perfectly and absolutely legal for you to say you want to kill the president. The above linked video was just a skit.
(Further info on this is available in this legal advice Reddit thread.). Basically it only becomes questionable when it poses a reasonable threat, or contributes to evidence of a credible threat.
So I’m just saying; the more realistic and actualized your plans are, the quieter and more secretive you should be with them! All the way up to the glorious date you carry out your plans! …and you control when that date is! Wouldn’t that be exciting?
Anyways, I just think there are certain ideas worth popularizing and trying to get into the popular imagination, and this is one of them (all your plans coming together like a well oiled and maintained rifle. Perhaps from the arsenal of a well-regulated militia). Hey maybe one chosen one will do us all a favor and accept the mission.
We all have to take a shot at the things we believe in right? Sorry for typing so much… I guess I must have an itchy trigger finger.
poses a reasonable threat, or contributes to evidence of a credible threat.
And who decides ‘reasonable threat’? The people who are joking along with you on preddit or the people locking you in the Epstein cell temporarily until your tria-- ohhh, nevermind.
Note to Canadians: armed American federal cops have come to major Canadian cities to arrest Canadians for something illegal in America but not illegal here - like selling hemp seeds were - and taken them to America for processing. It’s fucked up.
Legitimately, do you have a source/example?
Marc Emery jumps to mind first, but admittedly that was selling seeds with some evidence of cross-border sales, and IIRC he was arrested by the RCMP and Halifax Police Department, though acting on a warrant from the Western District of Washington. If there was another mid- to high-profile case like that, especially if American enforcement made the arrest on Canadian soil [edit: or if this is about Emery and I’m missing some key details] I 100% want to learn more.
Someone should kill the president of the us and his wife Elon.
I’m not saying these people don’t deserve it, but what good does it do? Wouldn’t it be better to, IDK, kidnap them in order to exchange them for actual human rights? Like, giving away your freedom and potentially your life in exchange for a bill for a public health system?
You’re actually correct, civil resistance is actually the most potent force:
It’s important to set achievable goals! There are plenty of republicans in your local area.
I’m guessing the black SUVs are en route.
Of all the shit that comes with trump, this is the worst thing. For the next 4 years I cannot have a single fucking day without trump. It’s going to be trump left, trump right, trump before, trump after, there is no escaping it. 4 years of 90% of the news being trump bullshit. kill me now.
Honestly, I think that’s the top reason he went into politics. Narcissists need everyone to pay attention to them
That’s a pretty interesting observation, i never considered that.
I think that is partially true
Wether by design (probably) or accident, the cheeto takes all the headlines and there is no space left for the actual crimes they’re committing, like making sure the rich get richer by tax cuts, the tarrif thing, etc.
I think a lot of it is just designed to ensure people aren’t paying attention to what really matters, a magicians trick if you will
If that’s the worst thing, then you are very privileged.
Or you aren’t American
Right, because only America will be affected by all this, just like how only Germany was affected by the Holocaust.
Which reminds me, the worst thing about that Hitler fellow is how I have to keep hearing about him.
If you genuinely think there is going to be a holocaust you should probably be planning assassination of government officials rather than complaining online.
America is the ONLY nation in the world 🦅🦅🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
Oh shut up already with your “privilege”. That political correctness has been a huge reason for many people to vote for orange cheeto to begin with.
I’m just an ordinary guy living an ordinary life, I don’t need some armchair hero twat telling me that I’m privileged
“The worst thing about someone harming others and/or breaking laws is how often I have to hear about it.”
“What do you mean I’m only able to say that because I’m not directly affected by it? I’M just trying to go about my day— calling my attitude short sighted is EXACTLY why these bad things are happening”
Holy fuck lol
You understand what a hyperbole is?
A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect, as in I could sleep for a year or This book weighs a ton.
I literally overstated it because it sucks so much having to hear trump all day, every day. Yes, it is little in comparison to actually having to suffer his consequences, but that was obvious, no?
I sure wish people would stop choosing the end of the fucking country over a little word ick.
You’re privileged.
Privileged and racist AND every type of phobic!
Thanks for making the point!
I say that your political correctness is causing harm and you -with zero evidence- just call me racist and every type of phobic. You couldn’t make the point better if you tried.
You have no idea who I am, what I do, what my good sides are, what my bad sides are. If you’d know me, you’d know that calling me racist is hilariously funny, same as the *phobic, really.
I’m guessing you don’t like people who actually try to make the world a better place, it would mean you can’t get away with your virtue signalling and have to actually get off your ass and do something?
You are the problem here, you and your attitude is in large part responsible for the world we live in. Be better.
I think that comment was sarcasm
That probably called for a /s… that one is kind of deserved honestly
If it was /s then I missed it yeah, and in that case, never mind :)
Unfortunately, no matter how the rest of the next four years go, I fear we’ll be hearing “Trump-era” for the rest of our lives.
When he got elected I added filters to my Lemmy app… Trump, Elon, musk, Tesla.
Half my front page was still full of Tusk.
Even in Canada 50% of news is about Trump
And the other 10% is Elon
Trump is the best thing to ever happen to news networks. No more hard questions. No people planning positive rights legislation. Nothing but trump. The status quo is safe while he sucks all the air out of every public forum and media.
Trump is the best thing to ever happen to news networks
Or to single-letter social network sites.
Between November and now, I worked pretty diligently to create a wall around me to avoid these topics. Unfollowing, blocking, filtering.
Once the inauguration happened, I discovered that the concrete I used was faulty and full of holes. The black, fetid water of these lunatics seeped in from all directions.
Tech news, cultural news, arts, all possible other topics that I thought were safe within the walls I built are now covered with sludge.
I so tired of this shit. How did we let this happen?
I’ve been having this problem since 2016.
No matter how many filters you throw at it, there’s always images, videos, and people self-censoring to get around them.
It’s infected everyone and everything, like a virus.
Searching for a way out. I’m sure there’s somewhere safe out there…
Ironically, for all that I’m sick of hearing about AI AI AI AI AI AI AI everywhere, maybe a really good prompt could plug the few remaining holes…
Honestly I’m surprised that “You won’t have to hear about Trump again” wasn’t motivation enough for people to get to the polls
This was 100% one of the most shocking things about all of this.
[Describes working very hard to ignore problem]
How did it happen?
It can’t be ignored forever.
Dude, I was up on the news and very diligent in many things.
You don’t know where I live, you don’t know what I’ve done up to November, nor where I’ve worked.
I spent literally the last few months of my entire fucking life trying to shut out this shit so it doesn’t tank my mental health to a degree that would likely kill me.
So please, spare me your fucking judgment.
deleted by creator
I’m in the same spot. Even made a Lemmy account just so I can block communities. Then I go to technology/linux/memes communities and guess what? It’s american politics all over. And don’t even get me started on Reddit, at that point subreddits don’t even matter anymore. Even on the subreddit related to my own country in eastern Europe, every day I see a ton of pointless “Trump news”. And mods justification is always “it’s TOTALLY related to our country because US politics impacts the entire world”. Like, what’s the point anymore? We might as well talk about Trump and Musk in the plants or lego community.
This is why I wrote a script for Firefox that redacts pictures and mentions of Trump and Elon, haha
Link to the script? I’d love to give it a try.
Try that.
Next time I’m on my desktop I’ll be sure to post it here as a reply to your comment so you get a note.
Needs TamperMonkey to run.
The day he no longer exists will be a joyous day indeed.
Someone already made it.
presses F5 furiously
I bet people said the same thing about Hitler both before and after he died. Awful people are typically quite often talked about.
He’s a pretty big Hearthstone youtuber who has since moved on to other videogames
What rank?
I hate how US centric lemmy.world is. Wish I could block all Americans.
We need a non-US instance for sure.No US IPs allows, no communities that allow US news or news directly related to them. USAmericans are just so friggin loud online and IRL.
Yeah, it means something bad is happening. People are talking about it because they don’t want to do anything serious about it, which is somewhat good. It would be good to solve this problem with words only.
We shall stop being anxious, and start to be outraged. Organize, fight back, even at small scale
The afterlife thankfully doesn’t mention him, it doesn’t mention anything.
It wouldn’t’t be so bad if people let filters do their job and put Trump in post title…just saying.
I feel this
I’m starting to dislike and avoid the Daily Show and even the Jon episodes, I just can’t keep hearing and seeing the stupid bullshit every damn day.