I feel like he’s a kind of modern-day Delia Smith. He has recipes for almost every meal you could think of but they tend to be quite basic and often not authentic - like the time he pissed off all of Spain with his ‘take’ on paella. He’s also said and done some really dumb things.
I’ve been given a couple of his cookbooks over the years but I think my mother-in-law has them at the moment and I’m not missing them.
I think his recipe game is weak enough that I’d just suggest improvising instead - just throw some shit together with some spices and enjoy.
I don’t like that he is in favor of forever chemicals with his teflon frying pans
He’s probably a great guy, but all I know is his TV personality so that is what I base my opinion on.
I like his simple recipes, I like his ideas.
So of my favorite dishes are from his hand, or one of his cronies.
cooking naked is both dangerous to him and unsanitary towards the people he’s feeding
but I guess everybody needs a shtick