You know that kid did kind of show up out of nowhere in the past couple of months.
I’ve never seen him with any of his kids before.
And if you think about it, he’s definitely a heartless bastard to do this.
And now I’m wondering about a lot of wealthy elites I’ve seen with their kids lately. Many of whom I had no idea they had kids that were so strikingly young.
The man has 12 children. Why have i never seen any photos of him with his kids until now? Sus. Very sus.
Could be that they don’t want thier kids to be as impacted by thier fame so keep them away from photographers… Nah they’re probably just more worried they’d be easier to kidnap and might have to pay a ransom if they’re more widly known.
Imagine being this kid and growing up and realizing one day the only reason dad ever suddenly started giving a shit about you was because he was using you as a meat shield because some guy named Luigi killed another rich guy. I’d be devastated
The chance of that kid not becoming an entitled piece of shit is really low, but I hope he can beat the odds.
Well, his daughter already did.
Yes, definitely! Dunno about any of the other 10.
Parkrose Permaculture did an excellent analysis of that in about ten minutes on yt.
Picture referred to
Thanks, I was wondering what they were talking about 😂
Unintentional, facelifted, duckface.
In The Dead Zone Stephen King predicted society would turn on a politician who used a child to shield themselves from an assassin.
I no longer think that is true, at least for members or associates of one party.
Ah, so that’s why he is so insistent on having so many children.
I wonder if he’s already working on the next one for when this one ages-out.
So he is literally Hamas! Where is the world’s most moral army when you need them! Come on IDF, drop a few hundred 2000 lb bombs!
By the way, what’s this one barcode, “X4t-2-y34rs-4g0”?
Meh it’s an heir anyway.
I swear we are watching the origin story of Batman unfold.
That’s probably to stop somebody shooting him in head.