The light is controlled automatically by weather and time of day.
Points at window
Zwave, zigbee, and VLANs
Also, working physical interfaces for everything where possible.
Lights that come on auto-magically are great, low light after bed time, that shuts itself off after you stumble back to bed, etc.
But you also need to allow overrides, like someone double taps the lights on you override the automations for an hour or two to handle corner cases like when your 6 year old pukes all over the hall and bathroom and you need cleaning light not stumbling light.
Also, light switches and lamps should work like light switches and lamps for guests, because these interfaces aren’t bad, they work, well even.
I completely agree. The most common “complaint” from guests in my old home was that the lights weren’t turning on. They had turned it down to 0 by holding the button so clicking it was toggling between OFF and 0. Not really a smart home issue but it made me realize that the new system I’m speccing out needs to be invisible - it’s a priority that things need to work “traditionally”
I will have a few NSPanels for the bonus controls (HVAC and audio mostly) but the lights need to make sense to a layman - even without enabling a guest mode.
boomer meme boomer meme boomer meme
Anyone who understands tech meme
I work in tech and I have a smart home w/ lights, switches, appliances and a controller. They are all on their own automation vlan that will never touch my home network. Sure “someone” is listening and can “hack” some of it. On the small, miniscule chance that happens I will deal with it. Until then the convenience is life changing.
Same. My iot vlan can’t talk to my main network. If it weren’t for firmware updates, I’d probably null route that whole network when it tries to go out to the internet.
It’s just a matter of software vs hardware. I prefer hardware because it’s easier and cheaper for me to fix. Others might find software easier and cheaper to fix. Horses for courses.
Sigh, I have to mention home assistant as the best way to not have your smart things phone home to the NSA/CCP joint data collection task force.