I have recently started to care more about my privacy and anonymity, so I am just scratching the surface and still don’t know much about it. I know that you should not log into any accounts with sensitive information while using the Tor browser to prevent your identity from being leaked. What about websites (like Lemmy, Masterdon, etc.) that can’t leak personal data because I never provide any directly? I use Mullvad + alias email addresses to log in.
What if I logged into my Lemmy account outside of Tor without a VPN one single time? So Lemmy should have received my real IP and location at some point. Could someone find personal data because of this single, unprotected login while I’m browsing Lemmy through Tor?
Thanks for any answers and explanations!
some instances do block Tor exit nodes, so if your current home instance blocks you will have issues. federation ftw; use an instance that accepts Tor exit nodes.
does anyone know of an instance offering .onion addresses?
Probably db0
Someone with enough access to the Lemmy server and many TOR nodes might, I guess. Just access to TOR shouldn’t be enough, as the connection to Lemmy is encrypted so they don’t know who logged in or what they accessed on Lemmy.
I think access to Lemmy alone would not be enough as well because just knowing that a user came through one TOR node doesn’t link it to other services. Many users use the same TOR node.
To use Lemmy anonymously register and log in only over tor. Using it only sometimes defeats the purpose
You can use onionmail.org for verification
Feel free to ask if you have questions about Tor/anonymity
Should be okay as long as you didn’t give the instance any of your other information (e.g. email during signup, etc.) and the Lemmy instance itself allows logins via Tor. You may also want to avoid instances using Cloudflare, it often blocks Tor connections so loading pages can be hit-or-miss.
Just saying it’s okay for basic privacy, you’d likely need a different solution if you’re actually being targeted by governments/organizations/etc with access to your ISPs and ability to backdoor your equipment.
OTOH if you’re already on a VPN I don’t think you need to go through the trouble of adding Tor to that mix.
(I’m on Tor right now)
What if I logged into my Lemmy account outside of Tor without a VPN one single time?
Strictly speaking that means your Lemmy account is now compromised, time to go create a new one over VPN or Tor or however you prefer to browse.