Remember when the internet felt like a giant treasure hunt instead of just… cycling through the same five apps? Yeah, me too. That’s why I started COI (Corners of Internet)—a place where I dig up weird, fun, and happy corners of the web so you don’t have to.

No algorithms. No doomscrolling. Just pure internet exploration.

If it’s cool, underrated, or a little unhinged, it goes on COI.

Check it out:

Also, if you’ve got a favorite weird site, drop it below! I’m always looking for new rabbit holes to fall into.

    13 days ago

    The internet used to feel like a treasure hunt because it wasn’t indexed well, and a large part of the surface content were pages made by oddball people letting their weirdness run wild without social limitations.

    Sure, algorithms keep most normies in a social media ecosystem, but it’s also not exactly easy for me to make a truly anonymous website about the awesome predictions I’ve made from looking at the patterns in my breakfast cereal every morning - AND just let it be. There’s pressure to promote it, crosspost it, etc. Even the fun of thought experiments posted to a GeoCities page come with risks now.

    Maybe I’m jaded and lack the youthful energy to stay up until 4:30am slapping im14amdthisisdeep stuff somewhere. Maybe everyone else that’s just slightly weird still expects to get paid for that with ads when it all used to be free and fun.