Don’t buy these predatory games, refund if you did. Stop supporting these scummy companies, it’s the only way they will learn.
Honestly, out of all of them - IMHO Capcom puts out quality games that you can buy once and then buy a dlc and be able to fully enjoy an amazing game with incredible replayablity. I’m not saying I agree with the pay for cosmetic reroll thing, but if Capcom wants to put in cosmetic 2-3$ trinkets, whatever. It affects the game barely any at all, and in the case of Monster Hunter, there are so many in-game cosmetics and trinkets you can unlock already that look awesome. On the flip side of this you have scum bag companies that lock FUN behind micro transactions, not solely cosmetics. Still, the pay for reroll is fucked and I only hope we can mod in the ability to change it like we had in World.
They did the same shit in the last MH game and people bought into it anyway. They slowly chip away at consumers with this shit. Remember the outrage over horse armour? These companies normalised this mindset of “cosmetics being paid are fine!”. You should buy a game once and be done with it. Expansions I can get behind paid, but that is as far as it should go.
We were never gonna shop our way out of this abuse.
I doubt they would even learn from that.
Oh they would, but instead of being rational, they would just lay off their workforce.
Capcom regularly puts out certified bangers. I’ll keep buying their games for as long as those games are high quality experiences are worth the money. They can learn about microtransactions by me not buying those lol.
I’ve been a die hard MH fan for like 20-25 years or something ridiculous. I’m gonna buy and play this game, don’t really care what people think about the gaming industry
Good little consumer… patpat
Sorry I took time out of my week raising a family, working full time, and trying to build a mass movement to fight against the worst abuses of our economic system to enjoy something sometimes and that it offends your vendetta against the oil and gas Industr… Oh sorry I meant industrial agricult… Wait it’s the gaming Industry? You’re mad about a game? Okay buddy
You can always be mad at 2 or more things at once, and how the gaming industry sucks out money from the consumer to pay their executives should be one of these.
In all the industries you mentioned, “voting with your wallet” is a thing that’s universally accepted as effective but at times hard to do. In gaming, it couldn’t be easier, you can literally safe money by buying anything cheaper from the indie sphere, not buy anything at all and play games you already own, wait 2 weeks and get a 2nd hand copy, or the unnamed 4th thing.
And the impact is more than just having a worse game to enjoy. As much as we like to laugh at people for their bad financial decisions, some people just cannot think rational about these things, and every game that includes microtransactions is simply not safe for them. Casino’s are heavily regulated for a reason, it is perversive brain stimulation with decades of research behind it, and we invited it into our consoles and computers for kids to enjoy. And more and more people just expect games to be predatory, and it warps how they think of the effort put into games. Being a functional, complete game without any in game purchases used to be the minimum. But if you expect anyone to have your mental fortitude, that no kid will wander into this menu and that everyone has an unalterable image of the industry, feel free to support this.
Genshin Impact lies at the end of this road.
You do not have to support these decisions. You can be a Monster Hunter and Capcom fan, and not buy into the hype. Vote with your wallet.
I don’t believe in voting with your wallet, I believe in organizing. Individuals can never stand against an organization. A large group of individuals doing what they think is right but not working together can’t win against even a much smaller organized force. In fact I think that your idea is little more than propaganda to keep the masses weakened in the face of power that is intentionally organized against us.
But I don’t play monster hunter to engage in political theory, I do it because it is a highly technical game with a steep learning curve. For whatever reason, a major stress reliever for me is to perform difficult actions with my hands. That’s all I want.
We are all treat brained little piggies in our own way, it shouldn’t be controversial. I don’t play genshin impact but if you do, whatever. Like I said, I work full time, I have a life full of family and friends, and I volunteer my time and energy to make my community better. If I wanna spend $70 on one of the like 3 game series that I really like, I shouldn’t have to justify that to other gamers ffs. The problem with the gaming industry is a problem with capitalism, its called the tendency for the rate of profit to fall. Enshitification has been a proven phenomenon about for like 150 years. Voting with your dollars is pointless when it is the dollars themselves which are the problem.
The commenter you replied to was basically just informing people not to buy. You made a great showing that you were going to buy anyway and you don’t care. That is something you need to justify, not the buying itself. No one would even know if you didn’t go out of your way to tell everyone.
And yes, what you do is good, but takes time to amount to anything. In the mean time, it is perfectly acceptable to also pursue methods that work in the short term. We aren’t just individuals on a forum, we are public opinion. As flawed as it is, that’s still better than the apathy you promote in your first comment.
Buying games with MTX in is supporting the inclusion of them, whether you buy the MTX or not.
Hard disagree.
Anyone who disagrees with that fact also thinks it’s okay to go to the casino just for the bar at the back.
Buying a game with MTX but not buying the MTX essentially wastes the money and time the company spent on putting the MTX there in the first place, way I see it.
If it exists, the game has suffered because of it, if it exists, people will spend money on it. The systems are designed to prey on how we think, they shouldn’t exist.
It costs them barely anything, it’s cosmetics the artists on payroll would be making regardless of if they are selling them or not, because they would just be unlockable.
Idk, the game is great and I distinctly remember people crying about stuff like this with DD2.
I’ll tell you what I said then. I was not tempted to buy any MTX in MH Wilds until I started reading the comments of people crying about it.
This is a basic fucking character creator we’re talking about. If you’re so spastic that you need to change your characters model every day, we have very different reasons for playing video games.
Let me put it this way. This is Monster Hunter. Why the fuck does your character looking a certain way mean so much to you? If it does mean so much, make a new character - the game hasn’t even been out for 3 days. These problems are literally non-issues.
Nothing inside a video game should cost real money.
Only legislation will fix this.
That’s what you want to fix? Companies trying new monetization strats?
Variations on a scam.
It’s not exactly a scam, though, is it. Are the game companies committing fraud?
When people can pay ten times the cost of a whole-ass game, for one tiny thing in a game they already bought, and any one game pushes a thousand such absurd schemes - scam is the closest word I know.
The money being taken is hilariously disconnected from any form of value or cost, even when it’s not something literally free, like letting you modify your own character on your own computer. It was a bit much when The Sims and a couple expansions could run you a couple hundred dollars. When buying everything in one generic game totals the cost of a fucking house, that’s a crime with more steps.
Let’s go with a simple approach: is anyone giving money for something where they don’t fully understand what they are getting in return. That is, they don’t know they are getting a decoration or unlocking a character or whatever?
So you agree it’s not fraud?
they have been doing this for a while. at least since dragons dogma online. In monster hunter worlds I used cheats to give myself the cosmetic edit currency item but no idea if that works in any others.
DD2 is highly cheatable and moddable, the cash shop is just a really poor joke honestly. The game has absolutely no way to check for cheating unless you give your pawn equipment they can’t actually use or edit their stats to be something impossible.
So Im stuck with what I chose at the beta test as I wouldn’t want to blow my chance at a free change later?
I imported my beta character and for some reason the voice bugged out and is completely fucked up. Not sure if I want to use the edit voucher just to fix my stupid robot voice
I thought this was for stat distributions at first, which would be annoying, but at least somewhat understandable. But this actually seems to be just cosmetic re-rolling, which is just absurd.
I get it if a developer doesn’t want it to be free to reroll a character’s appearance. But don’t charge them money for it, just make them do a quest or something. God damn.
Why the fuck would that be understandable lmao
Characters should have some level of permanence to them. If there’s no consequence to rerolling stats, then you’re not playing a “character”, as much as you’re equipping a stat loadout. Limiting spec rolls is pretty standard.
Limiting them yes, paywalling them though?
Off-topic, anyone remember the early days of rockpapershotgun? Goddamn i miss the stylings of the og writers. Now it’s just another game site but I’ll never forget some of their early pieces
Yeah, they had a really good thing going on and it’s sad that it didn’t last.