This would help the American people fight the Oligarchs. Godspeed, friends.
yup call the KETTLE black, wake up kids. USA is much better than other countries
Cancelled a bunch of subscriptions after trump support for Ukraine. Seems like the only language americans understand is 💸
Ding, dong, the reich is dead!
Drag is very much looking forward to singing this.
Guess they aren’t really our allies after all. The truth always comes out eventually.
You mean, we, the US, are no longer their allies.
Allies don’t wage trade wars against each other. Allies don’t threaten to invade you.
Sybau Ivan
The truth always comes out eventually.
Yea, your comment history reveals you to be a twat.
You can call me names. If their population’s intention is to harm us economically then maybe they aren’t great allies?
It was meant to be descriptive
Twat: a stupid or annoying person
Their populations intentions are to
- not to support an overtly fascist regime
- applying tit for tat as a game theoretic approach to US bullying
However, the US has never been a great ally for anyone else. Historically they abandon nations whose use for them has expired. Economically and strategically they treat their so called allies as subjects, now even more so than before.
Just own it. Stop pretending that engaging in bullying insulting behavior is somehow different because YOU did it. You’re a bully and it’s ok, I’ve met a lot of bullies and you won’t be the last. You hate anyone that disagrees with you but i don’t hate you.
I am not a bully for insulting you, unless you mean the archaic usage of bully:
a fine chap
Just own it. If you insult and degrade others for having a different opinion than you yes, you are a bully. It’s ok. Your hate is making you powerful.
Lol okay. I do not really care if I insult people whose opinions I do not respect.
Said Canada to the US…
Wtf is that supposed to mean.
Want to really hurt them?
Stop importing their oil.
can you imagine if the movement that we are experiencing in canada takes place all over europe? that would be huge
I think it will. China has announced sanctions on particular US companies. I’d like to see more of that on Trump-positive businesses.
Gotten rid of nearly every US digital service I have. Physical stuff I will still probably roll with my Apple devices until they wear out since they’re relatively new, but almost all the data and apps are basically European and/or open source services. Work related stuff remains the challenge. Next phone will be HMD.
the biggest US exports are its software products. Until the time we have a way to avoid Google, Reddit, Meta, Microsoft, ChatGPT etc, we aren’t boycotting anything meaningful.
“Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good”. With changing our grocery and household purchases, cancelling Amazon and Netflix, and looking for alternatives to U.S. products, we are all doing the best we can, and I do believe it will make a difference.
This is a useful collection of European software products
Is there a non US search engine that queries English sites?
I’m on a now almost full boycott personally but my new Danish employer provides their employees with the newest iPhone (only phone you can choose… I tried to get another), American laptops, and uses Microsoft for everything including cloud. It’s the companies that need to start thinking and adapting. I aaked them “you know that all of our data is held by Trump-led USA, right?” And they just say “yea, but it is what it is”.
soda is disgusting
As always: the power of the working class resides in work. Organize your workplace. It doesn’t matter whether you stop buying cola, real impact will come if your workplace stops buying the overpriced 100k€ machine imported from the US tech sector. THAT’S where you really hurt them. Consumer expenditure is a minuscule amount of relevant key US exports.
Organize your workplace, join a union and create a local branch. Join an existing revolutionary socialist party. Create mutual aid networks in your neighbourhoods.
Support your local breweries and buy their sodas and not coca cola <3 I do this and ngl Oettinger cola-mix and Riegele Spezi are amazing
Uhhh… I don’t think I will
Trouble with that in the UK is Coca-cola is the only soft drink really that hasn’t bowed to the sugar tax and changed their recipe to be full of artificial sweeteners.
I absolutely can’t stand the taste of these sweeteners and some even make me feel kinda of bad after drinking them.
Idk if it has even spread to England but when I lived in Scotland I only ever bought Irn-Bru
Guess you found a market hole :)
This is the time for the Italian MoleCola to shine!
Apfel Schorle is much better than a Coke anyway
If you want to be that way: tap water is way better
Literally the only thing I miss about living in a Germanic country lmao
Wdym? We have Apfelschorle
That’s my point, I don’t live in a Germanic country anymore and Apfelschorle (Rhabarbershorle too) is the only thing I miss
But you can get apple juice and sparkling water, right?
That’s kinda genius, I must try next time
Or just stop taking surgary junks
We will play with squirrels instead of video games! And wear bedsheets instead of clothing!
Some people want them. Dont live on just water like me. So better them drinking local things
I think the point is, go even further and stop. Of course they want it, those who buy it. Once I stopped drinking sugar drinks, they started tasting really bad when I tried them once in a while. Started preferring natural juices instead. Love my juices. Still sugary, but less processed.
Not just northern europe. In all of europe!
Kick them out of Ramstein.