We’re adding new tools to help everyone, from new users to experienced redditors, join conversations and share in communities.
- Post check: Before a user posts, they can now check if their content may be in conflict with a community’s rules.
- Post Recovery: If a post is removed due to community rules, a prompt will appear that provides an easy way to repost the content to an alternative subreddit.
- Clear Community Info: We’ll now show users a community’s posting requirements (like account age or Karma) before they post.
- Community Suggestions: When creating a post, we’ll suggest relevant communities based on the content.
- Post Insights: Redditors can now see how well their posts are doing, including views, upvotes, shares, and more.
i wonder how long it will take for rest of the users to get fed up with that shit they keep shoving down their throats
They could have left 10 year ago. They didn’t and never will.
probably never. i mean, Facebook and tiktok are still around.