You tell me. What is a Google stack? What is a Microsoft stack? The other guy was talking about a “tech stack” which practically means nothing.
You tell me. What is a Google stack? What is a Microsoft stack? The other guy was talking about a “tech stack” which practically means nothing.
It’s a great combo between 1984 and “this place is fucking boring.”
They could have left 10 year ago. They didn’t and never will.
That’s worse. If someone was telling me about “google or microsoft stacks” without explaining what it is, I would laugh.
Are you talking about OS, mobile OS, GUI, web, SaaS, APIs, services, subscriptions, servers, cloud, VMs, …? What the fuck is a stack? Stack is a term that has been stolen by web devs and means nothing anymore.
They should collaborate with IBM, they know how to handle that kind of thing.
Look at the front page, and also great articles such as “Biden Spent Millions on Transgender Animal Experiments” and “President Trump is Leading with Peace Through Strength.”
Firefox is the kind of software where I would gladly pay $10 a month to support its development.
Dismantle Mozilla, give the money to Firefox, profit.
I can’t find it anymore but they had the same experiment around 2015 I guess. If you upvoted too many trolls or far-right people, you could be punished for this. The idea is not new.
Which is one more stupid thing from Mozilla. Imagine if, 10 years ago, they had made a combo of: Firefox, Thunderbird, email hosting, maybe some kind of online office thing and a drive, Sync… That could have been the ultimate productivity package for “Office” stuff inside one convenient subscription.
Instead we now have Office 365, Google Docs, and nothing more.
That’s defamation. French people are very peaceful, and those cars have a tendency to light themselves on fire.
Why don’t you, I mean, I know it’s gonna be hard for you but, eat food from other countries or local food?
All these terms are about the source code and the one who receives it or not.
The equivalent would be the MPL for Firefox, which, guess what, does not prevent the user from doing anything with the source code.
Now let’s go back to talking about the ToS shit because you’re confused, talking about software license which is irrelevant here.
I don’t need to read legal stuff because we don’t need a ToS: I don’t need one, Firefox doesn’t need one, Mozilla doesn’t need one for Firefox. So, why?
They don’t think about freedom around me. Most idiots I know are have a fetish for a dictatorship because they think they’ll keep on living their redneck dream while getting pretty SS suits when the master takes all the power.
J’ai laissé tomber. J’ai créé l’identité machin en allant valider ma carte dans un bureau de poste. Tout va bien.
Ensuite on se rend compte que ça fait la même chose que les impôts pour se logger, pourquoi l’un plus que l’autre ?
Enfin la poste ce sont des sites web merdiques qui crashent sur certains navigateurs si tu as trop de restriction. J’ai désactivé tout ce que je voulais sur Firefox: rien. Et sur mon nouveau Linux c’est pire, plus rien ne marche quelque soit le navigateur.
J’ai laissé tomber le truc et je suis revenu à mon bon vieux numéro fiscal. Au moins je suis certain que le site des impôts sera toujours là pour récupérer mon argent même après une guerre nucléaire.
En lisant la plainte du monsieur je me souviens pourquoi j’ai toujours détesté la poste : ouvert en semaine de 15:00 à 16:00 alors que tu bosses, ouvert le samedi matin de 8:40 à 8:45 sauf qu’il y a un papier collé sur la porte disant « lol on est fermé désolé », à une époque les colis étaient ouverts par les facteurs et recollés avec un scotch officiel la poste pour cacher le trou (un ami m’a expliqué que les fautifs ont été virés).
Pas étonnant qu’on ait une invasion de boîtes au lettres Relai Colis ou autre. Et c’est disponible 24h/24.
I’ve been boycotting Starbucks for 10 years because it’s shit coffee, and McDonalds for 30 years because it’s shit food.
What kind of stack are you thinking of?
TSMC, the greatest manufacturer of chips in the world, is coming to America
At least they admit they are not the greatest and have to seduce companies.
I’m still confused about why a tool would need a tos when it has freedom zero.
Otherwise great lies from them.
I’m a programmer. I was expecting languages, OS, open-source, APIs, file formats. What we have been calling “stacks” for the past 30 years but which has been hijacked by web devs.