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from #MiddleEastEye #MEE

By Nadav Rapaport
Published date: 5 March 2025 15:35 GMT

“The youths film themselves posing as representatives of a fictional humanitarian organisation and call their family members and friends to ask for donations for Palestinian children. Those called usually react with rage, shouting and swearing before the callers reveal themselves in the videos uploaded to the platform as humorous pranks.”

      1 day ago

      🤣🤣🤣 what are you fucking 12? I’m 37 and as recent as 15 years ago kids would be calling both israeli and Pakistani kids dirty sand ni99ers before beating the fuck out of them playing smeer the queer before gym class. A lot of the vulgar words in that sentence 90% of kids and teenagers nowadays wouldn’t even say at full volume regardless of whose around them. Fuck, I got caught holding one of my baby cousins at a school event and was called a removed for the rest of the summer. Every generation has a complex that their world is as bad as it gets but it isn’t until you have lived long enough to witness other generations growing up amd growing old that you realize, in general, the world has always grown to be more accepting, more tolerant, more empathetic for others with each generation that passes. I mean shit, most of us are living in countries that are at most only 2 generations removed from legally being able to own people who aren’t the same color as you.