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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2023

  • Is it different for non premium accounts? Or is it because I use a created playlist? I have 1 playlost I use as a “like” button and just add songs when I listen to a new album or just one that isn’t on the playlist. When I’m listening to music normally, I just put it on shuffle and it plays thru only songs on the play list. The same add to playlist turns to remove from playlist whe it’s on there so I’ll also just add a bunch of albums from a genre and remove songs that really don’t fit my liking. I’ll do that when I want to bulk up the variety.

  • This touches on what I find the most fuckin irritating about the current state of software decision. I bought this super generic run of the mill disk clean up software. In the past I’ve used similar software and the fucking spam for add on this amd plugin that or defend your pc with this… it’s fucking insane. Finding burried files from apps I deleted years ago. Well this time I got lucky. I download it, run it. Doesn’t ask me to sign up for shit, I don’t have to make an account. No added features for blah.99$ The fucking shit just ran after install, batch fixed it all. Then in the final report flagged it’s own fucking software as obsolete and quoued it up for delete. CUSTOMER FOR FUCKING LIFE. Who thr fuck is running these reports that must show customer retention is higher when you fuck them in the ass till they bleed green. I would pay fuckin 5x’s the price of windows os if it meant I could play steam games on a windows system with Linux tiered performance and security. Why the fuck is cramming so much bloatware that you need to upgrade your whole system the new thing. Fuck windows, fuck Google, fuck samsung and youtube.YouTube.

    Edit: obligatory edit and shoutout to all the shitbag game developers too for thinking anyone fucking want another game that runs at 2 fps because it starts raining in the game. Fuck your 4k atari games. They’re a fucking embarrassment to everyone who has worked in the industry.

  • Its almost as though efficient utilization of tax revenue offsets the hatred of paying taxes. I just threatened my 1st cousins into pitching in $100 each to buy a 2nd cousin of ours a cello after I asker if she planned on continuing to play thru college and she said no she can’t afford school, dorms and instrument rental. I looked for programs that actually helped students like her but found nothing of actual use. You can do more help with your own money than giving it to the government or charities.