If your in for a wild ride, you can post something like “Steam sucks”, or ask anything about “Hexbear”. If you just want positive attention, go with “What’s the best distro for…?”
Looks like we have a noob that wouldn’t survive 10 minutes in a kitchen lobby. Everyone knows that cooking with steam preserves nutrients, enhances flavor, and retains the natural texture of food.
If your in for a wild ride, you can post something like “Steam sucks”, or ask anything about “Hexbear”. If you just want positive attention, go with “What’s the best distro for…?”
Steam does suck though? It’s hard to use, and most things are better boiled/blanched or fried.
You wouldn’t boil a crab
Looks like we have a noob that wouldn’t survive 10 minutes in a kitchen lobby. Everyone knows that cooking with steam preserves nutrients, enhances flavor, and retains the natural texture of food.
Clearly the best distro is Windows 10!
Got me.
[Insert angry rant about Windows]