How do I post a photo in comments? New here due to Reddit ban.
You’re asking the wrong person. Due either to my client, or my instance, I get, like, a 20% success rate on attaching images. Most of the time I get an error.
On my client, there’s a little picture icon. When I click that, it lets me select a picture and, if the wind is blowing in the right direction and the stars align, the picture is embedded. Otherwise, I upload to and manually embed the URL. The markdown syntax for an embedded image is:

Also, what was happening in that other site many of us used to be in so interactions between the same people talking the same points were so rare?
Bots. You never knew if you were talking to a bot.
Plus, way more assholes. Like way more.
I’m pretty excited to see and check what gained traction
Usually its when I either offend the libs on world or the fake leftists on ml/hexbear. Sometimes if I’m particularly skilled I piss off both of them at the exact same time (usually by advocating for true liberation for the working class not under a so called “vanguard” but by and for the workers themselves)
Half the time you just have to say “Fuck Tankies” or “Vote DNC” and you’ll get 4, 10, or even 20 of the most cookie cutter responses you’ve ever seen in your life.
That’s an awfully asymmetric expectation of effort!
Depends on how good the opponent’s automation is.
I know what I said, y’all’s angst feeds me.
This would all be easier if you all just agreed with me, the always correct person.
If I’m ever wrong. I delete that comment and pretend it didn’t happen. Or if someone actually makes a good counter argument I just go “meh, don’t feel like replying” and leave them unread. I do the worst crime. I’ll be 10 replies in and I won’t even downvote their last comment to let them know I read it. I’m sure it’s infuriating.
I might not always be right, but I’m never wrong
I’m too scared to check tbh. Somebody tell me if I am getting downvoted because I see 150 unreads
Normally people just hardcore virtue signaling.
My first thought is always “Must be Nicole the Fediverse chick again” 😂
Find hot Nicoles in your local Fediverse!
I just got her message this morning! 😂
Most of the time I know exactly what I’m getting if I see more than maybe 3+ comments. Usually it’s me saying something anti-communist, something on brand enough for me.
Usually means you got featured on hexbear
what’s hexbear
If you don’t know, count yourself hella lucky and move on with your day.
What does your uid signify?
It’s the sexy new British emergency number lol
it amazes me with what gets the most attention.
Did you criticize the left?
“I think nano is the premier terminal text editor.”
The biggest responses I’ve ever gotten by far have all been asking for alternatives to popular tech. 😏
on Lemmy that’s just karma farming.
If your in for a wild ride, you can post something like “Steam sucks”, or ask anything about “Hexbear”. If you just want positive attention, go with “What’s the best distro for…?”
Steam does suck though? It’s hard to use, and most things are better boiled/blanched or fried.
You wouldn’t boil a crab
Looks like we have a noob that wouldn’t survive 10 minutes in a kitchen lobby. Everyone knows that cooking with steam preserves nutrients, enhances flavor, and retains the natural texture of food.
If you just want positive attention, go with “What’s the best distro for…?”
Clearly the best distro is Windows 10!
Got me.
[Insert angry rant about Windows]