Did someone actually watch the interview? He just looks like an overgrown kid trying to make others in the classroom laugh… That would have been funny if it was not pathetic…
Holy smokes! I just watched it, he doesn’t hardly even look at the interviewer, he’s constantly looking at the audience and trying to get a reaction. I take it back what I said earlier, I was far more mature then him when I was in 8th grade. The interviewer is having a hard time with someone so cocky and stupid.
Did someone actually watch the interview? He just looks like an overgrown kid trying to make others in the classroom laugh… That would have been funny if it was not pathetic…
Holy smokes! I just watched it, he doesn’t hardly even look at the interviewer, he’s constantly looking at the audience and trying to get a reaction. I take it back what I said earlier, I was far more mature then him when I was in 8th grade. The interviewer is having a hard time with someone so cocky and stupid.
I could only manage to skip through a bit… any idea roughly when he says the fuck yourself line?
Here around the beginning I think