Tech is always fallible.
Look at that taxpayer money protecting all that private property of an oligarchy who is shitting on the working folk.
Cute little regime they got going for themselves
You don’t buy a Tesla? Believe it or not, straight to jail. No trial no nothing.
Jail? Black van, troyka, firing squad.
Something that isn’t reported enough is that Elon borrowed heavily against his ownership of Tesla to buy Twitter. It is thought that at around $100 a share he will be margin called which will mean that Elon will have to pay the loan back in cash immediately which will bankrupt him completely and enact the rage of his handlers the Saudis and Putin as the are the ones who drummed up support for the deal in the first place by holding a majority of the non-institutional debt.
Sorry to be that guy but can you give any sources for this? I would love this to be true and want to tell my friends but yeah a source would be nice…
I want to believe…
Russia does not give a single fuck about their assets getting burned. It happens all the time. It’s part of their playbook to make their assets more and more bold.
They got more than their moneys worth in the form of the US crashing and burning like it is now.
I really doubt that somebody will margin call one of the most powerful men in the world who is in control of the president of the United States.
Normally I would agree with you but with how hard the current US administration is pushing Tesla sales I think they are legitimately concerned / there is an actual chance this could happen:
This sounds really interesting but I lack the necessary economics background to understand it. Instead of having to research for potentially hours, do you mind please dumbing it down a little for me? The parts I don’t understand are “borrow against an ownership”, “holding non-institutional debt”. You don’t have to of course
It’s worse than that. Trump is a figure head, Elon is ceo and Peter Theil and his ghouls are board of trustees. Butterfly revolution, Curtis yarvin. State as a company.
I think Musk is a red herring for the Trump administration to divert attention away from Trump. Keep the eye on the ball. If there was no Trump Elon wouldn’t have this power.
I think he’s an easy target, and whether you think he’s culpable or not, he’s very visible, and taking him down in every possible way is a good thing.
I don’t agree.
These fascists are all following the political ideology and strategies laid out by Curtis Yarvin under the pseudonym Mencius Moldbug. He’s been in the orbit of people like Peter Thiel for 10+ years and has been very influential among the tech oligarch crowd.
His vision centers around creating a tech-oriented monarchy for America. At the top would be the president who would operate more like the Chairman of the Board in a corporate structure. Rather than governing on a day-to-day basis, this President/King would appoint a CEO to oversee the actual management of government. That’s the role Musk has taken on.
Trump appoints Musk to do the actual running of the country to accomplish what Trump wants accomplished while letting Trump seem above the fray (at least that’s the intention, Trump is too incompetent to actually stay above the fray). Musk isn’t a red herring. He’s not diverting from anything. He’s just the guy doing the job so Trump can go golf all day.
This is it! I think the problem the are facing is musk thought he was way more popular than he was( started believing his twitter bots)
I do agree that he is incredibly detached from reality and probably overestimates his support, but I don’t think that’s a factor in what he’s doing to destroy/fleece the government. I think he overestimated the competency of himself and the kids he’s having do all the coding work.
Kind of, but not really. It’s more like Musk is doing Trump’s dirty work for him so that when the shit hits the fan, he gets the blame instead of Trump.
I think that’s an overkill approach to convince us to not buy a Tesla.
It’s no longer about convincing people to stop buying a Tesla, it is now about destruction.Everyone knew this is where it would lead.
If those guys are supposed to be in uniform - no two are dressed the same. One guy didn’t tie his shoes, another’s jacket doesn’t fit. It is very sloppy and unprofessional looking.
I burst out laughing at “heavy police presence”, those guys look heavy alright.
Idk how many truth there is to this, but I saw someone else mention that they are off-duty and hired by Tesla to just stand there in uniform
It’s more likely to be out of work security guards in their police cosplay.
I can’t even get passed how gross it is to see this many cops standing in front of a business where there is no visible evidence of violent activity where people might be harmed. It just looks like a statement saying this is our priority - corporate welfare for the Uber rich and worst possible human specimens at the cost of taxpayer dollars. It’s so gross I can’t even work my way to the nuances of how these slobs are dressed.
It’s what policing is for. It’s never been about protecting people but businesses
and a Boston man was arrested for slapping stickers of Musk making a Nazi-like salute on Tesla vehicles
Better have him taken out back and shot, right? 🙄
I bet it is this sticker, lol
I think it was this one which also got banned from Reddit:
We shouldn’t make people scared for owning a Tesla, just embarrassed.
I like em scared. We don’t shun enough.
Nah, I got one and I support this. (geting rid of mine)
Ah yes. There is no loss in Tesla ownership though, because now someone else will own it.
Except I wouldn’t own it. Shitty car in the first place, at least for the price.
Yeah just like thousands of civil servants are “embarrased” of losing their jobs. Just like judges are “embarrased” that the executive branch is ignoring their rulings. Just like millions of Ukrainians are “embarrased” of losing their home. Get over your fucking self… we are at war.
Agreed they shouldn’t be scared for owning a Tesla. They should be made to live in fear.
i’m gonna lean on the side of “fuck that shit” on this one. buying a tesla is a choice. maga are terrorizing people for things they didn’t choose like skin color, gender, sexual orientation, etc, and that list will only get longer
fuck tesla, and fuck tesla buyers. unlike their holy godman idol musk, i value empathy. but not for people who pridefully show none of it themselves
It’s also an extreme luxury item - no one needs to buy one.
You can get a two year old Model 3 under $20,000.
Which is a very reasonable price for a family car in 2025.
Lmao you’re just moving the goal post. You can get a 3 two year old Honda odysseys for 20k.
Cheapest 2023 Honda Odyssey available within 500 miles of me on Autotrader:
Cheapest 2023 Tesla Model 3 available within 500 miles of me on Autotrader.
Stay out of conversations when you don’t know what you’re talking about.
Lmao dudes bringing local anecdotes as facts. Bye 👋
A 500 mile radius is local?
Tesla is a premium product at best, they absolutely aren’t a luxury item. The S and X possibly, but most of the vehicles they sell aren’t particularly expensive.
It starts at 42,000 as base model - it absolutely is a luxury product.
First of all, $42,000 is very average for a basic family car nowadays.
Second of all, with incentives and tax credits, that’s more like $30,000-$35,000 depending where you live.
Third of all, owning an EV is considerably cheaper than owning a dino-burner. No oil changes. No fluid changes. You charge at home for an order of magnitude cheaper than gas (unless you buy one of those GM cinderblock Hummers or F150s something equally
stupidAmerican). A $42,000 car with no scheduled maintenance, fuel costs, or mechanical repairs is surprisingly affordable compared to a dino-burner at the same sticker price.Fourth of all, even at only two years old, you can pretty easily and regularly find Model 3s for sale at 50% or more depreciation from new. Add in the tax credit for used EVs and a 2 year old family sedan for $17,500 with no gas or oil changes to ever buy starts to become a pretty good deal.
Fifth of all, I cannot stress enough how completely unwilling most people are to completely reverse direction on a $xx,xxx financial commitment because it suddenly becomes a fad among internet nerds to get pissed off about it. If you people would step outside yourselves for five goddamn seconds and look at what you’re doing, I would be so happy.
Elon blows goats. Fuck up his goat farm. Don’t fuck over regular people just living their lives.
Such a great deal you replied to me trice?
42 thousand for a brand new vehicle, and you think that’s a luxury item?
Bear in mind, the idea of an electric vehicle is you pay more up front, and less in running costs.
Thats 3 budget vehicles, no? Any other product that’s costs 3x of a budget version price is a luxury product.
It’s also less than half the price of a 7 series BMW, which is a vehicle most people would consider a “luxury” vehicle.
For many of us we’ve had our vehicles for a long time before Elon went dipshit crazy. For some it’s because EVs were essentially dogshit before the Model 3 was introduced. Either short range grocery getters or expensive luxury. Even now most “electrified” vehicles everyone advertises are hybrids, not EVs.
I got my Model 3 near the end of 2018. Elon wasn’t posting far right and Nazi shit at that time. He was sort of controversial, but that was about it.
Stop. He was an asshole then and you just chose to ignore it. Under his shitty leadership Tesla has always been awful. Delays, QA issues, lies, under-delivery and over-promises have been the MO since he’s had a hand in the company but the lame tech crowd wanted EVs/self-driving cars so bad they ignored it.
You don’t get a pass on buying a Tesla because you did so in 2018. He was a piece of shit then manipulating stock prices and posting dumb shit on Twitter.
In any sort of political adjacent topic there’s always a comment from someone that seems to assume that they’re inherently better than everyone else for no actual reason and that everyone else cares about their opinion of others. From your response here to a random person on the internet you know absolutely nothing about, I think it’s safe to assume you have a single digit number of people that tolerate you on a daily basis.
I hope you have the day you deserve, I know I will.
That’s why I don’t have ill will for people for having a non cybertruck Tesla unless you can tell it’s new. But if you don’t have an anti elon sticker I’m starting to side eye them
But if you don’t have an anti elon sticker I’m starting to side eye them
I don’t have a sticker, only because I don’t like stickers or badging on my vehicles at all. My Model 3 was early enough that they didn’t even have the Dual Motor badging for them in stock. They brought the badging to me at some point about a year later when the Rangers came to a tire rotation in my yard, there wasn’t even have a full Service Center here yet. I didn’t have them actually install the badging, it’s still in my glovebox. It’s as low key as I can make the damned thing.
But that’s a major contributing factor to my looking at alternative options now instead of when it’s fully paid off in September. The swastikar is becoming a target, and I don’t want to have to deal with shit just because Elon’s a Nazi. Got a test drive setup next week for a Polestar 3, and if I fits and I likes, going to be looking at that probably, especially with their added discounts and bonus for leasing and currently owning a Tesla. Most other manufacturer vehicles I’d consider are at least 1-2 years away still, so a 27 month lease is just about perfect for filling that gap, and making a decision then. Would still be less than I’m paying for my Model 3 with those discounts.
Model 3 is still expensive luxury
You can get them under $20,000 at 2 years old.
The model 3 was designed and marketed to be an affordable EV, and is still one of the cheaper options on the market.
Do you think any new vehicle is a luxury item?
Base price is 42k tho what are you talking about. That’s like 3 budget cars. No wonder Americans can’t handle egg prices when your finance education functions based on marketing trajectories 🙄
If you told a Rolls-Royce owner that you owned a luxury car, and then said it was a Model 3, they’d laugh at you.
Everything above x price is a luxury item and that’s a perfectly correct statement. Luxury doesn’t mean the most expensive option.
Not like most of the luxury EV market at $80k+ starting.
Byd goes brrr
What if I told you not everyone buying the car did so with daddy musk on the mind?
It’s still supporting a complete wanker regardless of what you had in mind.
I dont think you realize how many wankers there are that go undetected because they know how to shut the hell up. Moreover, I dont think you realize how buying a car works and how little selling the car would alleviate the problem.
I am aware if how many complete wankers there are out there that go unnoticed. You can’t help supporting them since they’re good at hiding their BS.
But the difference is that Elon is a known wanker therefore you can avoid supporting him but not buying into his shit. It’s not like he’s selling something you can’t get elsewhere.
No, the difference is that people that had already been Tesla owners are likely not paying Tesla directly. Tesla got paid when they signed the documents.
Owners are paying the financial institution that fronted the money for the purchase.
Tormenting current owners does nothing but drive another wedge in society. Disuading future buyers, and offering a comparable alternative is the best you can do to intervene.
You wanna make a difference? Start pumping out infographs and stop cheering on vandalism that only gives the F-elons ammo.
The owners are still supporting Tesla regardless of if their money is going to them directly or not. Money wouldn’t be going to Tesla if it weren’t for people buying them. It’s not just the money though, having more Tesla’s on the road drives attention to them. Makes them more desirable because of the “Well everyone is getting one” effect. That sort of thing.
There’s more than just money when it comes to supporting something.
Fuck the Tesla owners feelings. Make that shit as radioactive as possible so no one wants anything to do with Teslas. If people get upset over it then oh well.
I’m pretty sure these protests are dissuading potential buyers though. If people are willing to kick up this much of a stink then surely there’s something wrong. A protest is how you really get the message out because you can’t really ignore something like what’s been going on. It’s right in your face.
The only people that aren’t going to be dissuaded are people that wouldn’t be dissuaded anyway (A lost cause if you will) protest or a shitty Infograph that can easily be ignored or glossed over.
I don’t care. It’s not like its a nececity for people to own a swasticar.
Okay. Sell your car right now and buy another one. Prove its not a big deal.
I don’t have a car.
There’s tesla buyers who dont even know who musk is or what he does/owns. I dont know who owns BMW, Ford, Volkswagen etc. People could easily decide to buy a tesla and not know.
And using hate to fight hate isn’t always the best, these maga fucks will just use it as fuel for their regime, embarassing them is a much better way, stickers etc sure, but you shouldnt be physically violent to the person.
There’s tesla buyers who dont even know who musk is or what he does/owns.
Or, you just guessing based on the sentence that follows… 🤔
I’d bet significant money that 99.999% of rational car-buying adults know the relationship Musk/Tesla. 🤷♂️
The internet isn’t real life.
How surprised were you at the last few US elections? Tells you everything you need to know about how uninformed the majority is.
Yeah. You know the saying “living under a rock”? The people in this thread have never even looked under the rock.
Prove there isnt. Just because we sit on the internet well connected, doesnt mean the average joe is. As I was saying about not knowing who owns other automotive companies, can you name them all?? It’s not too hard to imagine someone buying a tesla without researching the company, come on.
And anyone who does or did know about musk owning them before, could have bought the car years ago before he became a prolific nazi. You cant be serious if you think every tesla owner did deep research into elon musk. Thats so out of touch.