• pg_sax_i_frage@lemmy.wtf
    1 year ago

    of that’s an idea youre keen on, you could put it into a… loving will, or equivalent, and your will, anyway dwaath and end of life related documents. also appoint an exuctioner for those that you trust to make those bone post death art poecehappen, or anyway to try their best to make those wishes for coming part of a future grand skellie pyramid arform, or something along those lines, happen.

    yiu never know, it may well be possible to make those dreams sooner, after a nk doubt long on the Future and death, than anticipated., and making some arrangements ahead of time can improve your chances, and possibly be a fun exercise in itself. ‘tge order of the good death’, has some useful resource on the whole planning and documents thing, espially on a North America context.

    anyway. happy for you future artistic and collective bone combination ambitions for ’ your future postmortem bones. rip. ☠️💀🦴🦴💀💀🦴🦴💀☠️👻👻👻👻👻👻🦴👻