US President Donald Trump has today announced massive new tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminium, while threatening to “shut down” its car industry and saying the best way to end the trade war was for Washington’s ally to be absorbed into the US.
are you saying nordic metal riffs are now turning into nordic metal tariffs?
Is he raising tariffs on russia, though…
No, but he is removing the sanctions against them
Aaaand he went back on it already.
Donvict the OLD, Demented and Unreliable
He’s clearly a Russian asset. Theres no rational thought or ideology here - he’s just fucking shit up for fucking shit up sake and USA can’t do anything about it.
lol, this guy…
You can’t fight stupid, because stupid is unpredictable and obeys no clear logic.
Canadian Metal? Oh no! What will Annihilator, Voivod and Anvil do now?
team up with archspire!
Damn. Trump is doing a really good job punching himself in the cock.
do you think trump actually believes he can sanction canada into surrendering national sovereignty or is this part of some idiot gambit to crash the us economy on purpose
He’s seen up close how well it’s worked on Russia.
Getting Canada to surrender sovereignty is the bit. Crashing the economy is a happy coincidence for him. The true goal is profiting from the chaos in between it all.
Yes and yes. Putin engineered the situation to be a win for him in either case.
His negotiation strategy is to demand 1 billion dollars and settle for $3.50. which is fine when you’re a TV personality, less so when you have nuclear weapons.
welp rip to the us housing and automobile market. hope you weren’t planning on buying a house or car anytime soon.
Thankfully I have a home and a good car so I am fine but I am pissed because I have nieces and nephews that are entering the world of parenthood and won’t be able to buy a family vehicle or a starter house. This also kills any of my planned home renovations because I won’t be able to afford lumber if the orange turd pisses off the Canadians further and tariffs lumber further.
Can I just say the idea of starter house is seeming really out of touch when most people in the country will never own a home.
Well it was nice having… (checks notes)… metal.
The great negotiator says, “Oh yeah?! Well +1 to whatever you say! Times infinity!”
Does he think Detroit is in Canada?