Lol!! Parents day actually extended to pets, too, and later (about a year or so before I left) also extended to (what is now known as) mental health day.
If you don’t have young kids, you don’t get sick nearly as often. It’s not like having a sick kid at home is a vacation. I don’t begrudge my coworkers their time off for illness or supporting family members with illness.
Thanks for telling me when I’m allowed to get sick. I’m sick of breeders acting like martyrs for deciding to have kids. You knew what your hobby entailed before you chose to participate.
The breeders, crotch goblin, “hobby” position is among the stupidest reddit positions out there, and there’s a lot of really dumb ones. Children of Men is a solid flick that goes into the societal collapse associated with “lack of breeding.” It’s also just so obvious that society needs to kinda build on itself in order to continue.
And yeah, humans are a disease! Okay. I just can’t get my head around being so anti one’s own existence. It just doesn’t make sense to me.
And nobody’s being a martyr. People have different lives situationally, and in an ideal world perhaps it wouldn’t have an affect on your workday, but it does, and sometimes accommodations need to be made, and sometimes it just isn’t fair, que sera.
I personally don’t see the need to participate in the creation of a new human. There’s plenty of us already. Some would say too many. I don’t begrudge somebody else’s choice to have a child, though.
Get fucked if you don’t have kids I guess
Lol!! Parents day actually extended to pets, too, and later (about a year or so before I left) also extended to (what is now known as) mental health day.
I retract my saltiness
-22 downvotes on the salty comment, and I balanced you out with your 22nd up vote here. Get balanced, chum
If you don’t have young kids, you don’t get sick nearly as often. It’s not like having a sick kid at home is a vacation. I don’t begrudge my coworkers their time off for illness or supporting family members with illness.
Thanks for telling me when I’m allowed to get sick. I’m sick of breeders acting like martyrs for deciding to have kids. You knew what your hobby entailed before you chose to participate.
The breeders, crotch goblin, “hobby” position is among the stupidest reddit positions out there, and there’s a lot of really dumb ones. Children of Men is a solid flick that goes into the societal collapse associated with “lack of breeding.” It’s also just so obvious that society needs to kinda build on itself in order to continue.
And yeah, humans are a disease! Okay. I just can’t get my head around being so anti one’s own existence. It just doesn’t make sense to me.
And nobody’s being a martyr. People have different lives situationally, and in an ideal world perhaps it wouldn’t have an affect on your workday, but it does, and sometimes accommodations need to be made, and sometimes it just isn’t fair, que sera.
I’m not anti my existence I just don’t see the point in celebrating a basic biological function that literally anyone can do.
I personally don’t see the need to participate in the creation of a new human. There’s plenty of us already. Some would say too many. I don’t begrudge somebody else’s choice to have a child, though.